General appearance
  • Distracted
  • Frail
  • Chronically ill-appearing
Current health
  • Acutely ill
  • In severe pain
  • Winces with movement
Skin, hair and nails
Temperature & perfusion
  • Flushed and warm
  • Cool, clammy
  • Acral cyanosis present
Skin For skin lesions, report location and type of lesion

  • Raised lesions: papule (< 1 cm), plaque (>1 cm) or nodule
  • Flat lesions: macule (< 1 cm) or patch (> 1 cm)
  • Accumulation of fluid: vesicle (< 5 mm), bulla (> 5 mm), or pustule
  • Loss of skin integrity: erosion or ulcer

Additional descriptors:

  • Size
  • Shape
  • Margins or border
  • Color
Nails Clubbing


Hair: Alopecia

  • Generalized alopecia of scalp, brows and lashes
Visual acuity Decreased visual acuity. Note the acuity in each eye.

  • Hand waving OD. 20/50 OS
Visual fields Visual field defect. Note the quadrant(s) affected, using the terms superior, inferior, nasal, and temporal to describe them.

  • Visual field defect in L inferotemporal visual field
Eyelids Ptosis


Skin lesions (see skin above)

External eye Conjunctival injection

Conjunctival pallor

Ciliary flush

Scleral icterus

Arcus senilis

Pupils Asymmetric corneal light reflection

Absent red reflex


Decreased reaction to light

  • R pupil 3 mm & reactive; L pupil 5 mm and nonreactive
External ear & EAC Swelling, tenderness or discharge
Tympanic membrane Erythema or bulging

  • TM bulging and erythematous; landmarks not visible

Presence of middle ear effusion

Hearing Decreased hearing. Note method of testing.
Weber test Note ear in which the sound is heard best

  • Weber test: lateralizes to left ear
Rinne test Note whether air conduction or bone conduction is louder

  • Bone conduction > air conduction in R ear
Nose and sinuses
Internal nose Palloror injection of mucosa

Nasal polyps

Ulcers. Note size and location.


Sinuses Sinus tenderness

  • L maxillary sinus tender to palpation
Oral cavity
Oral mucosa Plaque



Posterior pharynx Erythema


Tonsillar enlargement

Dentition and gingivae Caries

Gingival erythema or swelling

Base of tongue & submandibular area Ulceration or mass (suggesting malignancy)

Lymph node enlargement

Parotid glands Swelling
Temporomandibular Tenderness or crepitus
Neck and thyroid exam
Lymph nodes Enlargement. Note size, tenderness, mobility, consistency and location of enlarged node(s)

2.5 cm firm, non-tender, fixed node, L posterior cervical triangle

Thyroid Nodules: 1.5 cm palpable nodule, non-tender in R lobe

Enlargement: Thyroid diffusely enlarged, non-tender, without palpable nodules

Chest exam
Inspection Evidence of respiratory distress: tachypnea, accessory muscle use, retractions

Decreased chest expansion

Palpation Asymmetric tactile fremitus

Decreased tactile fremitus ½ way up the R posterior chest

Vertebral, rib, CVA or chest wall tenderness

Percussion Dullness or hyperresonance to percussion.

Hyperresonant to percussion entire L chest

Auscultation Adventitious sounds: fine crackles, coarse crackles, wheezes, stridor, rubs.

Coarse crackles present in the R lower lung field

Decreased breath sounds

Decreased breath sounds L lower lung field

Cardiovascular exam
Inspection Abnormal jugular venous pressure: elevated or flat

JVP 13 cm H20

Palpation Abnormal apical impulse: enlarged, sustained, and/or laterally displaced.

Apical impulse palpable lateral to the MCL in the 5th ICS

Auscultation Abnormal rate or rhythm

Presence of an S3 or S4 gallop

Report five characteristics of any murmur: loudness, timing, quality location & radiation

2/6 harsh early systolic murmur loudest @ RUSB, and radiating to the R carotid

Pulses Asymmetric or absent pulses

2+ and symmetric carotid, radial and femoral pulses. Absent dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial pulses bilaterally.


Edema Note the proximal extent of the edema and the presence of pitting or weeping;

Often graded from absent to 4+ (scale is subjective)

3+ pitting edema in bilateral lower extremities, up to mid-thigh

Abdominal exam
Inspection Scars.  Describe size and location.


Auscultation Abnormal bowel sounds: Hyperactive or absent. Bruits

R epigastric bruit present

Percussion & palpation Tenderness. Note location and presence or absence of guarding.

RUQ tender to palpation, with involuntary guarding.

Abnormal liver size or consistency

Neurologic exam
Mental status Abnormal level of consciousness: lethargic, obtunded or comatose

Abnormal orientation

Oriented x 2 (to self and place only)

Abnormal recall

         Recalls 1/3 items at 5 minutes. Clock drawing abnormal.

Cranial nerves Note the abnormal nerve(s) and how each abnormality was detected.

CN II-XII are intact, except for R CN VI. Pt is unable to abduct R eye.

Motor: Abnormal strength.

Strength 5/5 in all major muscle groups except 4-/5 in R hip flexors

Grading strength

0 = no movement

1 = flicker of movement or slight twitch 2 = moves with gravity eliminated

3 = moves against gravity but not against resistance

4 = moves against resistance but less than full power

Abnormal bulk:

Bulk is normal in UE and LLE. Atrophy of R calf and foot muscles noted

Abnormal tone:

Increased tone in the LUE

Reflexes: Abnormal Babinski reflex

  • Toes upgoing on R

Asymmetric or changing reflexes. Compare side to side and grade 0-4.

  • Reflexes 1+ and symmetric at biceps, triceps, patella. L Achilles 1+. R Achilles 4+
Sensation Describe the location of abnormal sensation and modalities tested

  • Decreased sensation to pinprick and light touch from toes to knees bilaterally

Positive Romberg

Cerebellar Describe the abnormal test

Finger to nose test abnormal with bilateral dysmetria



The Foundations of Clinical Medicine Copyright © by Karen McDonough. All Rights Reserved.