Past Medical & Surgical History

The past medical history (PMH) covers past and ongoing medical problems, hospitalizations, trauma and surgeries, OB-Gyn history and birth history when relevant, as well as preventive health.

Explicitly transition to the past medical history so your patient understands the flow of the interview. A statement like “May I ask you some questions about your past health?” lets them know that you’re moving on from the current problem. For each section of the PMH, you can start by asking an open-ended question followed by more focused questions. Here’s a good starting point for Immersion and Autumn quarter.

Active medical problems Start with: What other medical problems do you have?

For each ongoing medical Problem, remember POTS:

  • Onset (when it was diagnosed)
  • Therapy (how it is treated)
  • Status (control and complications).

Ask about problems common in the patient’s demographic group, i.e., Any high blood pressure? Diabetes?

Past health problems & hospitalizations Start with: Have you had other major health issues?

  • What health problems did you have as a child?
  • Have you ever been hospitalized? If ‘yes’: What for? When & how long?
Surgeries & traumas Start with: Have you had any surgeries? Any major injuries?

Specifically ask about other common surgeries: Have you had your appendix out? Gallbladder?

Obstetric & gynecologic history For those assigned female at birth, basics include:

  • Have you had any pregnancies?
  • How old were you when you first had your period?
  • If over 50: Have you gone through menopause?
Preventive health Preventive health is centered in primary care rather than the hospital. For hospital tutorials, you can ask:

  • Are you up to date with your preventive health and immunizations?

Example: Past medical problems

Our patient does not require too much prompting to share her medical problems and surgical history! You may need to ask more questions with a less talkative person.


The Foundations of Clinical Medicine Copyright © by Karen McDonough. All Rights Reserved.