Content for Unidades A and B
All units in this textbook are divided in Part A and Part B. Part A of each unit is an introduction to the new content and to the main language functions in context. Part B is an expansion of the material presented previously by revising some of the vocabulary and tasks already presented and introducing new vocabulary and new language functions.
Click here for the workbook available on Canvas Commons.
Below there is an index of the content covered per unit for a quick reference.
unidade 1 – PARTE a
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
- Greet people
- Introduce yourself in Portuguese.
- Say the alphabet in Portuguese.
- List the days of the week and the months.
- Say where you are from and where you live.
- List numbers from 1 to 31.
- Name objects in the classroom.
VOCABULARY greetings days of the week months |
numbers (1-31) objects in the classroom |
LANGUAGE STRUCTURES questions with “Qual” present of the verb to be (ser) |
there is/there are (tem) preposition “de” and “em” contractions: do, da, dos, das/ no, na, nos, nas Português para Principiantes: formal and informal “you” in Portuguese |
READINGS A Sala de Aula Ideal |
VIDEOS Oi, Tudo bem? (Greetings) |
E aí Cythia? (Greetings) |
PODCASTS – LÍNGUA DA GENTE Você vem de onde Paulo? – Beginning 01 – Were are you from? |
O Dia a dia
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
- Say and ask the time in Portuguese.
- List the days of the week.
- List some daily activities.
- List some leisure activities.
- Answer some simple questions about your daily routines.
- Answer some simple questions about your leisure activities.
VOCABULARY numbers (1-50) meals |
daily and leisure activities |
LANGUAGE STRUCTURES how to tell the time (e.g. São 5 horas) present of regular verbs – AR conjugation |
expressions of frequency (e.g. uma vez por mês) |
READINGS A Vida dos Estudantes Universitários |
A Vida no Rio de Janeiro |
VIDEOS E aí Cynthia! Que horas são? (Telling time) |
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
- List basic colors.
- Describe physical appearances and personalities.
- List some daily and leisure activities.
- Ask simple questions about daily routines.
- List modes of transportation.
- List the months.
- Propose simple plans for the weekends/future months.
VOCABULARY clothing items colors physical and personality descriptors |
daily activities (e.g. comer, beber, escrever) modes of transportation types of restaurants (e.g. brasileiro, mexicano) months of the year |
LANGUAGE STRUCTURES present of regular verbs in ER (eg. comer) present of the verb to prefer (preferir) |
question pronouns (quando, onde, como, por que) |
READINGS Djamila Ribeiro – Autora e Ativista Afro-Brasileira |
VIDEOS Nossa! Que cabelo bonito! Cê pintou? (Making compliments about someone’s physical appearance) |
AS Profissões
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
- Talk about personalities and some professions.
- Talk about leisure activities and daily routines.
- Ask simple questions about daily routines and leisure activities.
- Talk briefly about what your city has to offer.
- Make recommendations of activities in your city.
- Group Project: Plan a fun weekend in your city.
VOCABULARY descriptors for personalities (e.g. simpática/o/x) name of professions |
daily and leisure activities types of tv shows (e.g. novela, filme) parts of the house, places at the university |
LANGUAGE STRUCTURES present of the verb to see (ver) and to read (ler) present of the verb to do/to make (fazer) question pronouns (onde, quando, por que, a que horas) |
there is/there are (tem)
A Universidade
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
- Talk about how you are.
- Talk briefly about your classes and professors.
- Say what you can and cannot do at your university/college.
- Talk about the clothes you wear to school and on the weekends.
- Talk about the weather in your city and make recommendations for clothing.
VOCABULARY descriptors of feelings and states of being (e.g. com fome, com sede, feliz) university courses (e.g. letras, engenharia) |
vocabulary related to the university (e.g. bolsa de estudos, cantina, pesquisa) clothing items weather |
LANGUAGE STRUCTURES present of the verb to be (estar) question pronouns (quantas, quantos, quando) |
present of the verb can (poder)
OS Esportes
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
- Talk about exams, quizzes, and feelings.
- Talk about places at your university.
- Give directions at your university.
- Talk about sports played at your institution.
- Ask questions about schools in Brazil.
- Compare schools in Brazil with the U.S.
- Group Project: Pack your bags and make plans for a study abroad trip to Araraquara, São Paulo.
VOCABULARY places at the university (e.g. dormitório) locations (e.g. norte, sul, leste, oeste) |
sports |
LANGUAGE STRUCTURES present of verb to become and to live (ficar/morar) present of the verb preparar-se (to prepare) present continuous with ing (ando/endo/indo) |
verbs to give directions (e.g. vai reto) question pronouns (onde, quando, com quem, como, por que, quantos, quantas) present of verb “to be able to” (conseguir) present of the verb “to come” (vir) Português para Principiantes: Pronunciation of Brazilian Portuguese |
READINGS Práticas Culturais – Pedir carona A vida universitária |
Enem: vale a pena estudar agora? Dicas para se preparar |
VIDEOS Felipe, sabe onde fica a biblioteca?(Giving diretions) Onde você mora? (talking about where someone lives) |
Gente, eu sou nova por aqui (asking about places to live) Como é que vocês vêm pra faculdade? (talking about how to get to school) |
A Comida
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
- List the name of some foods.
- Ask questions about a menu.
- Order food in a restaurant in Brazil.
- Understand a reading about a traditional dish.
- Talk about your favorite dishes.
VOCABULARY name of meals food and beverage |
silverware |
LANGUAGE STRUCTURES questions with “qual” present of verb to be (ser) |
there is/there are (tem) preposition “de” and “em” contractions: do, da, dos, das/ no, na, nos, nas Português para Principiantes: syllabification and stress |
READINGS Receita de Feijoada |
VIDEOS O que iria beber hoje? (Ordering drinks) |
E aí? Você vai pra Festa Junina? (Inviting/Making plans) |
OS Restaurantes
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
- List the names of places to eat and where to buy food.
- List the name of some foods.
- Buy food from a street vendor and at a restaurant.
- Understand a reading about a typical dish in Brazil.
- Make suggestions of places to eat in your city.
VOCABULARY places to buy food food items in a bakery and snacks |
food restrictions |
LANGUAGE STRUCTURES present of the verb to buy (comprar) present of the verb to do/to make (fazer) |
verb to know (conhecer/saber) Português para Principiantes: basic contractions of definite articles and common prepositions |
READINGS Práticas Culturais – Vender Doces |
Hábitos Regionais |
VIDEOS Tô vendendo bolo no Campus hoje Ah moça, me dá um pedaço desse bolo? (Buying street food) |
Lari, cê conhece o Felipe? (Introductions) |
POD-CASTS LÍNGUA DA GENTE Qual é o prato do dia? (Elementary 04 – What is Today’s Special?) |
A Família
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
- List the names of the members of a family.
- Present your immediate family.
- Talk about activities that you do with your family.
- Talk about house chores.
- List the parts of the house.
- Choose an apartment to rent.
VOCABULARY nuclear and extended family physical descriptions |
daily activities house chores parts of the house and furniture items |
LANGUAGE STRUCTURES present of the verb to ask (pedir) prepositions of place (e.g atrás, encima) |
present of the verb to need (precisar) Português para Principiantes: some irregular verbs in the present tense and some basic vocabulary |
READINGS Apartamento para Alugar |
VIDEOS Gente, eu sou nova por aqui e eu não tenho nenhum lugar pra ficar (Looking for a place to live) |
Lari, cê vai tá no campus amanhã de manhã? (making plans) |
AS Casas
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
- Talk about your extended family.
- Talk about celebrations with your family.
- Describe your ideal house and neighborhood.
- List places to go in your neighborhood.
- Understand the key differences between some types of neighborhoods in Brazil.
- Choose a place to stay in a trip to Brazil.
VOCABULARY extended family special dates (e.g. Dia das Mães) |
national holidays in Brazil types of houses parts of the house and furniture items places in the neighborhood |
LANGUAGE STRUCTURES present of the verb to ask (pedir) prepositions of place (e.g atrás, encima) |
present of the verb to need (precisar) Português para Principiantes: adjective use, numbers 1-50, and how to tell time |
READINGS Edifício Copan |
VIDEOS Oi, cê é aluna da Ana também? (Asking for information) |
POD-CASTS LÍNGUA DA GENTE Banho Público (Elementary 10 – I’ve Got to go bad) |
AS Viagens
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
- do a check-in in a hotel in Portuguese.
- talk briefly about a past trip.
- understand the main ideas on a reading about Mozambique.
- plan a trip to Maputo, Mozambique.
- ask simple questions about places to visit in Maputo, Mozambique.
- say some activities that you have done last weekend.
VOCABULARY types of accommodations (e.g hotel, albergue) special dates (e.g. Dia das Mães) |
national holidays in Brazil types of houses parts of the house and furniture items places in the neighborhood |
LANGUAGE STRUCTURES present of the verb to travel/to speak (viajar/falar) past simple fo the verbs to do/to make and to go (fazer/ir) past simple of the verbs to become/to dance/to go out (ficar, dançar, sair) |
simple past of the verb to be (ser) question pronouns (onde, como, quando, quanto) Português para Principiantes: simple past and spelling change of irregular verbs |
READINGS Moçambique |
Matapa |
VIDEOS Nossa! Cê tá arrumada! (Making compliments) |
E aí? O que você fez ontem? (Talking about past experiences) |
O Transporte
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
· bargain in a street fair in Portuguese
· ask for simple information
· talk briefly about your background
· understand a text about cultural artifacts from Mozambique
· plan your trip back home
VOCABULARY modes of transportation leisure activities |
places to visit in a trip |
LANGUAGE STRUCTURES past simple fo the verbs to talk/to drink (falar/beber) past simple of the verbs to to ask/ to give/to have/to be (pedir, dar, ter, estar) |
giving directions (e.g. vire à esquerda) adverbs of time (e.g. geralmente) Português para Principiantes: verbs ser/estar, definite and indefinite articles, negative responses, and nationalities |
READINGS Práticas Culturais: Negociar Preços |
Capulana |
VIDEOS Onde fica o ponto de ônibus (Asking for directions) |
Hoje eu vim de carro (Talking about transportation) |
O Corpo Humano
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
. talk about activities you did last week
. name the body parts
. describe briefly simple medical conditions, such as a cold, for example
. ask for advice in a pharmacy and buy medicine
. understand a text about Angola
A Sua Vida
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
. talk about your life during your time in high school
. compare your highschool experiences with college
. talk about activities you used to do as a child
. talk about exercises that one can do at the gym
. understand a text about Angola
Viagem a Lisboa e Invenções
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
. understand a reading about Portugal
. talk about important historical events
. understand a text about great inventions
. make a check-in in a hotel in Lisbon
. ask short questions about things to do in Lisbon
. describe in some details a tourist site