
2 Brief Timeline of the French Revolution


Image Captions:

May 10, 1774: Joseph Siffred Duplessis, Louis XVI en costume de sacre. 1777, oil on canvas, 256 x 174 cm. Available from: Musée Carnavalet. Accessed May 15, 2019.  http://www.carnavalet.paris.fr/en/collections/louis-xvi-en-costume-de-sacre.

May 5, 1789: Isidore-Stanislaus Helman and Charles Monnet, The opening of the Estates General May 5, 1789 in Versailles at the Menus Plaisirs Hall (Ouverture des États généraux, Versailles dans la salle des Menus Plaisirs, le 5 mai 1789). 1790, engraving, dimensions unknown. Available from: Vikidia.  Accessed May 15, 2019. https://fr.vikidia.org/wiki/Ouverture_des_%C3%89tats_g%C3%A9n%C3%A9raux,_%C3%A0_Versailles_dans_la_salle_des_Menus_Plaisirs,_le_5_mai_1789.

June 17, 1789: No image.

June 20, 1789: Jacques-Louis David, Le Serment du Jeu de paume le 20 juin 1789. After 1791, oil on canvas, 65 x 88.7 cm. Available from: Musée Carnavalet. Accessed May 15, 2019., http://www.carnavalet.paris.fr/fr/collections/le-serment-du-jeu-de-paume-le-20-juin-1789.

July 14, 1789: Charles Thévenin, The Storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789 (Prise de la Bastille le 14 juillet 1789). ca. 1793, etching, 43.1 x 61.1 cm). Available from: Metropolitan Museum of Art. Accessed May 15, 2019. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/384288.

August 26, 1789: Anonymous, Declaration of the Rights of Man (Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen). 1789, illustration. Original work held by Musée Carnavalet. Available from: British Library. Accessed May 15, 2019. https://www.bl.uk/collection-items/the-declaration-of-the-rights-of-man-and-of-the-citizen.

October 5, 1789: Anonymous, ‘A Versailles, A Versailles’ March of the Women on Versailles, Paris, 5th October 1789. 1789, colored engraving, 50.8 x 26.5 cm. Available from: PBS. Accessed May 15, 2019. https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/xir28334fre/a-versailles-a-versailles-march-of-th-xir28334-fre/.

February 28, 1791: Unknown, Knight of the Dagger disarmed by order of the King at the Chateau des Thuilleries February 28, 1791 [Image fixe]: Mr. de La Fayette before his departure for Vincennes to appease the disorders that had been intentionally fomented in the morning, had had the precaution of doubling the guard of the Castle and to prevent neighboring guard-houses… . 1971, etching, 28.5 x 50 cm. Available from: Bibliothèque nationale de France. Accessed May 15, 2019.  https://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb402480415.

June 20, 1791: Map of the Flight to Varennes. Drawing. From: H. G. Wells The Outline of History. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1921. Plate 867.

June 18, 1792: Anonymous French printmaker, Attack on the Tuileries Palace, June 18, 1792. Late 18th century, digital image, 4334 x 3239 px. Château de Versailles et de Trianon, Versailles, France. Available from: Art Resource. Accessed May 15, 2019. https://www.artres.com/C.aspx?VP3=ViewBox_VPage&VBID=2UN365CRCP3I&IT=ZoomImageTemplate01_VForm&IID=2UNTWAOMJPOS&PN=11&CT=Search&SF=0.

August 10, 1792: Anonymous, Storming the Tuileries Palace August 10, 1792. 1793. Available from: ARTstor. Accessed May 15, 2019. http://www.artstor.org.

August 13, 1792: Anonymous, The Royal Family at Dinner in the “Temple”. n.d., engraving, 14.5 x 9.2 cm. From La Révolution Française a Paris. Paris: Paris-Musees, 1989. Plate 130. 

September 2, 1792: No image.
September 12, 1792: No image.
January 15, 1793: No image.

January 21, 1793: Auguste Raffet, Louis XVI at the foot of the scaffold. n.d., engraving, 11.5 x 16 cm. From La Révolution Française a Paris. Paris: Paris-Musees, 1989. Plate 187.

July 13, 1793: Studio of Jacques-Louis David, Assassination of Jean Paul Marat. 1793, oil on canvas, 165 x 128 cm. Nusee du Louvre. Available from: ARTstor. Accessed May 15, 2019. http://www.artstor.org.

July 17, 1793: Artist unknown, Marie Anne Charlotte Corday Darmans 25 years old: assassin Marat writing his last letter to his father. n.d. Available from: BnF Gallica. Accessed May 15, 2019. https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b6949826r.r=charlotte%20corday.

October 15, 1793: Pierre Bouillon, Procès de Marie-Antoinette le 15 octobre 1793. 1793, drawing on paper, 39 x 53 cm. Available from: Musée Carnavalet. Accessed May 15, 2019. http://www.carnavalet.paris.fr/en/collections/proces-de-marie-antoinette-le-15-octobre-1793.

October 16, 1793: No image.



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