18 Stanislas Clermont-Tonnerre

October 10, 1747 – August 10, 1792
Stanislas Marie Adélaïde, comte de Clermont-Tonnerre (1747-1792) was a military officer and politician, and prior to the Revolution was well-known to Antoine Barnave. He was elected to the Second-Estate during the Estates-General of 1789 and and was the spokesman of the minority of Liberal nobles who joined the Third-Estate after the Tennis Court Oath. By 1790, his political views diverged greatly from the Jacobians; his work was denounced by Barnave and the offices of his political party were forcibly closed. Stanislas was murdered by Robespierre’s mobs during the the Storming of the Tuileries Palace (August 1972), having been pushed through a 4th story window.
Bibliography of Sources:
“Stanislas Clermont-Tonnerre, comte de Clermont-Tonnerre.” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Accessed May 22, 2019. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanislas_Marie_Adélaïde,_comte_de_Clermont-Tonnerre.
Image Citation:
Fig. 1. Adolf Ulrik Wertmüller, Comte Stanislas-Marie-Adelaide Clermont-Tonnerre (1757-1792). 1781, Canvas, 62.5 x 49 cm. Private collection. Available from: Wikipedia. Accessed May 14, 2019. https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=73190000.