Book Title: La France Sauvée ou le Tyran Détrôné: A Dramaturgical Casebook

Book Description: This is a dramaturgical casebook on La France Sauvée, an unfinished play by Olympe de Gouges, translated by Clarissa Palmer, with contextual information on the French Revolution.
Book Information
Book Description
This digital humanities project is a digital dramaturgical casebook for the play, La France Sauvée, ou le Tyran détrôné (France Preserved, or the Tyrant Dethroned, 1792). The dramaturgical casebook includes a master copy of the script as well as historical research pertaining to the playwright, cast members, timeline, places, costume and set design, and bibliography.
La France Sauvée ou le Tyran Détrôné: A Dramaturgical Casebook Copyright © 2019 by Olympe de Gouges is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Theatre studies