14 A Deputation from the Commissaries of the National Assembly

The National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) existed June 1789 to July 1789. It was a revolutionary assembly formed from by the representative of the Third Estate of the Estates-General. The Estates-General was to be made up of representatives of the entire realm divided by three Estates. The First-Estate was the clergy; Second-Estate the nobility; and the Third-Estate was the middle-class (bourgeoisie) and what was supposed to be the nation’s common people or laboring class.
Bibliography of Sources:
“National Assembly (French Revolution).” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Accessed May 22, 2019. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Assembly_(French_Revolution).
Image Caption:
Fig. 1. Moreau the young, Jean-Michel (inventor); Jean, (publisher). Constitution of the National Assembly and Oath of the Deputies who compose it in Versailles on Jule 17, 1789. Date unknown, etching, 390 x 470 cm. Musée de la Révolution française, Department of Isère Collections, Vizille, France. Available from: Musée de la Révolution française. Accessed May 12, 2019. https://collections.isere.fr/fr/museum/document/constitution-de-l-assemble-nationale-et-serment-des-dputs-qui-la-composent-versailles-le-17-juin-1789/fe3a7944-1ecf-42ac-b367-173a35bc3ec9?q=Assembl%C3%A9e%20Nationale&wm=1&pos=3.