20 Karl Joseph von Bachmann, Major of the Swiss Guard

March 3, 1734-September 3, 1792
Baron Karl Joseph Anton von Leodegar Bachmann was a Swiss aristocrat and soldier in the French service. Promoted regularly, in 1780 he obtained the rank of Marechal de Camp, and a Major of the Swiss Guards. Major Bachmann was in charge of the Swiss Guards protecting Tuileries. Of the 900 soldiers present, 650 died and Major Bachman was arrested and charged with treason for resisting the storming of the royal palace. Denied the request to be tried in the courts of his home country, he was guillotined in his red Swiss Guard uniform. Bachmann and the other Swiss Guard were memorialized in the Lion Monument in Lucerne, designed by Bertel Thorvaldsen and executed by Lukas Ahorn.
Bibliography of Sources:
“Karl Josef von Bachmann.” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Accessed May 22, 2019. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Josef_von_Bachmann.
Image Citation:
Fig. 1. Bertel Thorvaldsen, The Lion Monument. 1820-1821. Source: Andrew Bossi, Lucerne, Switzerland. 2007. Digital Image from: Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Accessed May 14, 2019. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:6308_-_Luzern_-_L%C3%B6wendenkmal.JPG.