
34 Costume Design Concept

Costume Design Mood Board

Marie Antoinette

Marie Antoinette mood board

Taking their inspiration from the paper dresses of the 60s and the work of Isabelle de Bochgrave and playing off of the concept that the characters in the play are puppets or paper dolls controlled by others, the costumes in La France Sauvée will be made of flame retardant paper fabric painted to look like the fabrics used in late 18th century France. Marie Antoinette’s dress is a relatively simple robe a l’anglaise with a fichu, which was extremely popular in the late 1700s. Her hair will be a paper wig designed to replicate the shorter, softer curled style Marie Antoinette favored in the later years of her life. Striped fabrics were also very popular as they were part of a fascination with Orientalism that swept through Europe during that time.  Keeping with the idea of a monarchy in decline, the colors should be faded, more of a watercolor wash than a bold acrylic swath.




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