35 Design Inspiration: The Petit Trianon

The Petit Trianon, considered to be royal architect Ange-Jacques Gabriel’s masterpiece, is something of a manifesto for the neo-classical movement. Completed in 1768, it provided Louis XV and his new mistress the Comtesse Du Barry with the privacy which was so sorely lacking at the palace.
Louis XVI gave the Petit Trianon to Marie Antoinette as a respite from official court life at the Grand Trianon at Versailles. She commissioned a number of buildings from her personal architect, Richard Minque, such as the Queen’s Hamlet and her theatre. The furnishings in the Petit Trianon, while sumptuous, were simpler in design and reflected the Queen’s desire to live a less formal, more intimate life at the smaller palace.
Collage 1.
Below is an image of Marie Antoinette’s private salon which will be the inspiration for the salon in La France Sauvée, ou le Tyran Détrôné as the Tuileries Palace was burned down in 1871 and color images of the interior are not available.

Bibliography of Sources:
“The Estate of Trianon.” Palace of Versailles. Accessed May 14, 2019. http://en.chateauversailles.fr/discover/estate/estate-trianon
Image credits:
Fig. 1. The Petit Trianon. Source: Christian Milet, Palace of Versailles, Paris. Date unknown, Digital Image. Available from: The Palace of Versailles. Accessed May 14, 2019. http://en.chateauversailles.fr/discover/estate/estate-trianon/petit-trianon#history-of-the-premises%C2%A0.
Fig. 2. Marie Antoinette’s Private Palace, Petit Trianon. Available from: Mason Decor. Accessed May 30, 2019. http://maisondecor8.blogspot.com/2014/11/marie-antoinettes-private-palace-petit.html.
Collage 1: Billiards Room, Queen’s Bedroom, Salon, and Large Dining Room at Petit Trianon. Available from: La Cote des Montres. Accessed May 14, 2019. http://www.lacotedesmontres.com/Visite-du-Petit-Trianon-et-du-Pavillon-Francais-No_6652.htm.