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The Physician-Patient Relationship
The Illness Narrative and HPI
The Social History
The Complete Medical Database
Cultural humility and cross-cultural communication
Working with Interpreters
Working with Interpreters (Asynchronous)
Delivering Serious News
Negotiating a Patient-centered Plan
Substance use history
Sexual history
Responding to Microaggressions
Introduction to the Physical Exam
General Appearance & Skin
Vital signs
Head and Neck Exam
Chest Exam
Cardiovascular Exam
Abdominal Exam
Neurologic exam
Musculoskeletal Exam
Reproductive organs, rectal and breast exams
Efficient approach to the comprehensive exam
Reporting the exam
Complete Physical Exam Benchmarks
Oral Case Presentations
Hospital Tutorial Write-ups
Immersion Documentation Guide
Immersion Documentation Guide including PE
Hospital Tutorial #1 Documentation Guide
Term 1 Sample Write Up
Term 2 Sample Write Up
Term 3 Sample Write Up
Across the Lifecycle
Sim 1. Gathering Information
Sim 2. Developing Diagnostic Hypotheses
Sim 3. Testing diagnostic hypotheses
Sim 4. Teams & errors
Sim 5. Prioritizing the differential
Sim 6. Reasoning in Teams
Introduction to Primary Care
Sample SOAP Note: Acute problem
Pam Hiebert
Sample SOAP Note: Chronic Problem
Daniel Radosevich
Sample SOAP: Multiple problems
Facilitating Behavior Change
Challenging Encounters
Trauma/Intimate Partner Violence and Trauma-informed Care
Reflective practice and mindfulness
The Inpatient Team
Teamwork in healthcare
Outpatient team
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This work (SBAR by Karen McDonough) is free of known copyright restrictions.