
4.3 I’m All Ears – Andrew

In this section, you will apply all that you have learned so far to listen critically to Andrew’s recording, a former University of Washington student.  This activity has three steps:

  1. Following the text provided, listen to a recording taking into account the questions from the Listening Guide.
  2. Answer general questions about Andrew’s pronunciation.
  3. Take a quiz that will help you focus on the problem areas contained in the recording.

1. Below you will find the listening guide.  While it would be practically impossible to focus on so many different aspects of Remington’s pronunciation, please do your best.


Try to focus on as many of these aspects of Andrew’s pronunciation as possible.

  • Are his vowels short, tense, and abrupt?
  • Are his vowels non-glidy?
  • Is he able to eliminate the schwa?
  • To what extent are his vowels free from the influence of English?
  • Are his consonants generally softer than those in English?
  • Is he successful in eliminating a puff of air when pronouncing /p, t, k/?
  • Is he able to differentiate between /b, d, g/ and their variants [β, ð, ɣ]?
  • Does he pronounce the letter “d” between vowels correctly?
  • Is the distinction between the tap [ɾ] and the trill [r] adequate?
  • Can he pronounce the “ll” and the “y” as a soft English “j”?
  • Are his “h’s” always silent?
  • Are his “u’s” silent in gue, gui, que, qui?
  • Did he remember to pronounce the “z” as an “s” (Latin America) or a /θ/, as in “thing” (Spain)?
  • Is his speech free of the sound represented by the English “z”?
  • Can he avoid pronouncing the “s” in words like “presidente” or “prisión” like an English “z”?
  • Is his pronunciation of the “v” exactly like a “b”?
  • Is he successful in producing a Spanish sounding “L” by not raising the body of his tongue?

Estamos iniciando un nuevo siglo en el que problemas tan añejos como la discriminación, la xenofobia y la intolerancia  siguen existiendo.  Podemos preguntarnos si este mundo globalizado es el que queremos para nuestros hijos: la mundialización de las finanzas y de la especulación, del narcotráfico, de la pobreza y la marginación, del exterminio de la naturaleza y de la destrucción de la esperanza en el planeta.

Reflexión sobre el racismo y la discriminación, Ribogerta Menchú

Listen now:

2. Write your answers in the boxes below.


3. Now, take the quiz.




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I'm All Ears Copyright © by Jorge González Casanova is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.