
Lesson 9 Savvy Start Projects

9-1 Savvy Start Activities

Recall a Savvy Start is meant to be part of an iteration of the SAM process with a prototype that you’re willing to throw away. The Savvy Start involves brainstorming with others by talking about tangible ideas that may or may not work. You’re not supposed to get it right the first time out the gate.

From the Savvy Start, then you launch into project planning and that Design-Prototype-Review cycle begins. In our class, we’re simulating (pun intended) the Savvy Start Project cycle with the Peer Review of your first prototypes.

Read what Angel Green, a senior instructional strategist for Allen Interactions, has to say about the Savvy Start and the aim of improving performance in the blog “Focus on Learning Performance: The SAVVY Start” (April 2013) She references a six-minute video blog, “Iterations: Savvy Start — Start with Performance, End with Performance (EP. 5)” with a conversation about where they travelled across the country to do Savvy Starts . While the interview and article are from several years back, the philosophy is still the best advice to jump start the iterative design process in an instructional design project.

Our Savvy Start Activities:

Review prototypes – Complete your peer review feedback and revise your prototype based on the comments you received. If you enjoy collaborative real-time work, consider asking one or more of your peer reviewers if they’d like to meet on a synchronous platform to discuss their feedback. Remember to submit your peer reviews in Week 8 Assignment 2: Feedback on Prototypes

Prepare your project report – share your results and breakthroughs about the process in the Week 9 Discussion.

Submit the Week 9 Assignment: Savvy Start Report.


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