
Lesson 5 Instructional Environments and Multimedia

5-2 More on the Multimedia Principle

Even if you don’t have the resources or the need for extensive multimedia in your course, you should still, at minimum, try to use the Multimedia Principle: using words and helpful graphics (see Clark and Mayer, p. 72-3) rather than text alone can improve learning.

Example 1

Visual communication graphics (click image to visit the blog)
multimedia course organizer.png

Example 2

Interactive representational graphic (click image for interactive functionality)
Laptop Ports

⭐Shar’s Note: Remember when you use images that you have to also include alt text. Using descriptive words in the image will help sighted users, but screen readers still need the additional information.


ELID 510 Designing E-Learning Environments Copyright © by Professional and Continuing Education. All Rights Reserved.

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