Tools for Writing and Content Production
Webdam and Media Lab
Webdam is our media resource library. Here you will find media to enhance the projects you are developing, various web series and webinars you may want to use in your product, and a wealth of professional development resources that can usually be used in your content development. In addition, you can access templates, branding lines, and other graphics to enhance your project. Finally, you can also access internal PD opportunities to build your skills. The Media Lab is a part of Webdam and contains materials specific to National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning (NCECDTL).
The Digital Asset Specialist, a memeber of the Resource Development Team, can be a resource to helping you find resources in Webdam. The DAS assists with:
- Maintaining Webdam including training, accounts, and waiver/rights usage
- Searching for and collating media upon request
Multimedia Resource Glossary
A glossary and list of search terms that are helpful when searching for media in Webdam. The Multimedia Resource Glossary was developed in collaboration. It reflects input from units across Cultivate learning, our our community partners, and stakeholders. See the Resource and Tools section for links to the glossary.
Helpful Terms and Features
See Webdam and Media Libraries Toolkit for more information and videos related to all of these terms and features:
Asset ID
The number in the metadata that indicates what asset it is. Every asset has a unique number. This number is used on tracking sheets and when communicating about specific assets (videos/photos/graphics) with others.
Copyright Notice
This indicates who produced the media. When outside partners or the public wishes to use our materials, they must cite our copyright.
For internal production refer to the Responsibility to Cite section for more information about citing images and videos.
Download Permissions
Permissions are determined by the account setting. The Digital Asset Specialist can assist you if you have questions about permissions. Waiver status should be checked before downloading any materials. Additional information:
- Photos can and should be downloaded for use when needed.
- Videos
- Videos in the Videos folder are produced and accessible for download and use.
- For videos in other folders, please work with a media producer as a title page, edits, and/or captioning may be needed.
- Shared media
- Some media is shared by other organizations, purchased from iStock, or obtained by other Cultivate Learning staff. Note the waiver status and any flagged issues before use.
Please refer to the Attribution, Citations, and References section for more information about citing images and videos.
Flags on assets
Occasionally, an asset will have information in the Flag section of the metadata. This doesn’t necessarily mean the asset cannot be used. Make note of the information before deciding if it is appropriate for your needs. Some examples of reasons for flagging an asset:
- Poor media quality: blurry, unclear content
- Safety or hygiene concerns (including no bike helmets)
- Inappropriate behavior or gestures
- Exposed skin/cleavage/underwear visible
- Play involving guns, weapons, or violence of any kind.
- Potentially copyrighted content is the focus of the photo.
This is the Webdam feature for collecting various assets that are stored in different folders into one centralized collection.
This is a collaboration tool that can be shared with others on a project as assets are being chosen.
Links to specific assets can be shared. See the toolkit for directions on which link to share and how.
- When you are a collaborator for a lightbox, notifications will appear each time an asset is added or removed. You can adjust notification settings in Webdam.
- You can also set up notifications to be alerted when new files are added into specific folders in Webdam. The DAS can assist you if you would like to set up your account in this way.
Rights Usage Terms
Different waivers may have different permission for media use. Check with the Digital Asset Specialist if yo uhave any questions.
Waiver Status
In the metadata section, waiver status will be indicated. Note:
- Produced videos are all waived and able to be used (Videos folder)
- Program and Source Media folder – be sure to check the waiver status. If the waiver status is False, please connect with your media producer or the DAS.
Access Links on Webdam
To access links to videos to share within our products, please use this general Webdam account:
Username: cllib
Password: CLM3d!aL!brary
- Select the video you want a link for
- Select the link icon
- In the Direct and Embeddable Links section, copy and paste the direct link. The 550 px size is typically sufficient and optimum for mobile devices.
Select the link icon.
Copy and paste the 550 px direct link.
Tools and Resources
The Webdam and Media Libraries Toolkit includes:
- Support summary: This document functions as a table of contents and summary of training, orientation, and support materials available for Webdam
- User manual: A manual for how to use Webdam and get support.
- Multimedia Resource Glossary: The glossary of search terms used to tag images and videos in Webdam and the media libraries.
- Libraries: We have several outward facing libraries.
Request Forms
Cultivate Learning Requests: Webdam & Media Lab Support Request form. Use this form to request:
- New accounts
- Orientation/training
- Troubleshoot Webdam and Media Lab issues.
- Request support finding media assets.
- Request notifications for when media is added to specific folders.
- Request changes to metadata (For example, you notice something is incorrect – title, description, etc.)