
Review, Editing, and Quality Assurance

Language and Translation Review and Editing Processes – Vendors

The following are processes to use when receiving materials from one of the translation vendors we use.

Content developers perform Quality Assurance (QA) and or simplify the vendor’s translation while simultaneously:

  • Expanding the project’s glossary
  • Replacing English resources with similar ones in the needed language (if applicable)
  • Requesting images and graphics to be translated by the Graphic Design Team (if applicable)
  • Adding photo and video credits (if applicable)

When feasible, content developers proofread each other’s QA-reviewed work.

The content (QA-reviewed and proofread) is then forwarded to the Graphic Design team for a Design Review.

If applicable, a Media Producer (from the Cultivate internal Media Design Team) adds captions to videos and uploads them to Webdam. Subsequently, the videos are integrated into the training materials by the content developer or another designated individual.

When time allows, a side-by-side comparison of the content with the English version is carried out by a designated person to identify any discrepancies (e.g., fonts, Alt-text, etc.) and make necessary updates.

Content Developers upload the finalized content to a designated folder.

The project manager notifies leadership of the project’s completion.

3Play Media

3Play Media is for English and Spanish video captions and transcripts.

  • Video transcripts can be edited directly in 3Play.
  • 3Play has a toggle between English and Spanish languages.
  • Once assigned via Asana, meet with the project’s media producer or the Manager of Media Production for onboarding to this process. Tips for QAing:
    • Use Asana for tracking workflow and communication.
    • Access the video tracking sheet to find the File IDs for 3Play.
    • Edit/QA in 3Play directly. Pay attention to character limits.
    •  Edit tracking sheet as needed.
    • Media team notifies the content team when videos are available and ensures Webdam links are available on the video tracking sheet.
    • Complete all Asana tasks, as needed.

Dynamic Language

Dynamic Language can be used for Spanish and Somali translation of all materials, including videos, print materials, courses in various platforms, graphics, etc.

  • Submitting requests:
    • The project manager submits and/or works with the project’s media producer to submit requests.
    • The request needs to include a detailed summary of all translation needs.
    • The project’s language glossary, when available, accompanies materials when submitted.
  • Tips for QAing:
    • QA happens directly in files.
    • Dynamic Language is moving toward doing their translation work in table format. They will have English on one side, Spanish/Somali on the other. When QAing captions and translations, the files will be shared in this format. Captions – SRTs shifted to WORD doc and QAs on WORD doc.
      • If at any point the DL version has recurring errors, please alert the project manager so those may be resolved instead of making edits. (i.e., names of speakers misspelled, genderization of language incorrect)
    • When reviewing the video translations, turn on track changes in the Word file.
    • Please do not make edits to English side; it contains needed code to export final versions.
    • Return the files to the project manager and complete Asana tasks, as needed.



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