
Responsibility to Cite

APA References and Citation

Unless a project sponsor requires otherwise, we follow APA style guidance for references with few exceptions. More guidance and examples for APA references and in-text citations are available at APA’s style website.

In most cases we use the hanging indent to format. That decision rests with each project. Be consistent throughout your project.

Articles or Chapters in an Edited Volume

Use this format when the editor(s) and author(s) are identical and when the book is a compilation of articles published at different times or in different places:

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of chapter. In A. A. Editor & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pages of chapter). Publisher.

  • O’Neil, J. M., & Egan, J. (1992). Men’s and women’s gender role journeys: A metaphor for healing, transition, and transformation. In B.R. Wainrib (Ed.), Gender issues across the life cycle (pp. 107- 123). Springer.


If using a book title within the text but not citing it as a reference, italicize the title.

APA Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of chapter. In A. A. Editor & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pages of chapter). Publisher.

Government Publications or Other Publications Issued by an Organization, Corporation, or Entity (where no author is given)

Name of organization. (Date). Title in italics. Location of publisher National Institute of Mental Health. (1990).

  • Clinical training in serious mental illness (DHHS Publication No. ADM 90-1679). U.S. Government Printing Office.

Journal Articles

Last name, first initial(s). (Publication year). Title of article: Capitalize subtitle. Name of Journal in Italic Upper Case, volume number(issue number in parentheses), first page number–last page number. [DOI url]

Note that there is no space between volume number and (issue number).

This format should be used for journals that are accessible in an online database, as well as those that are only produced as printed publications.

When an article is available in print and online formats, links should be provided in all course materials.

When journal articles are available online, check to see if online access requires an institutional subscription. This check must be done using a different network than UW’s. Because UW has numerous scholarly database subscriptions, the UW network may automatically carry out the necessary authentication, which gives the impression that the database is accessible to anyone. Some websites (Google Scholar, for example) occasionally provide part but not all of an article, so the availability of the entire text should also be checked. If the article is not available to the public, include the following text after the citation: Note: This article is available online only at institutions with a license for the journal’s database.

Note APA style no longer calls for the signal phrase “retrieved from” to introduce the web addresses

Missing Information

If publisher name is unknown: (n.p.). If the publication date is unknown: (n.d.)

Online Videos

Speaker name, first initial. (Year, month, day). Title with first word capitalized [Video]. Source Name. URL

If the name of the speaker is not provided, or if the video is a confection of clips with multiple speakers, the name of the creator (for YouTube, it’s the screen name) can be substituted.

YouTube videos must have been uploaded by the creator, speaker, or organization. Otherwise, it is possible that the video was not posted legally. Even if the video is posted with the standard YouTube license, that does not guarantee that it appears with the permission of the creator or owner. If it is not possible to verify that the video was posted legally, find a substitute.


In many cases when publishing material that will be distributed electronically, embedding the link in the title might be preferable for a cleaner, more readable format.

Publisher Location Guidelines

APA no longer includes the publisher’s location in references, except in conference presentations and proceedings. However, include the location when omitting it would cause confusion.

Publisher Name Guidelines

The name should only include words essential to identify the publisher:

Bigshot Publishing instead of John Quincy Bigshot Publishing Company, Inc.

Visual Sources

Wherever possible, images and videos from WebDAM should be used. If visual material from outside sources is used, contact the copyright holder to request the necessary permissions.

To cite or provide suggested citations for the videos Cultivate Learning produces, use the following format:

Cultivate Learning (Producer). (Year). Video name in italics [Video]. University of Washington.


Cultivate Learning Content Development and Style Guide Copyright © by Cultivate Learning. All Rights Reserved.

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