Accessibility, Plain Language, and Readability
Plain Language
Plain language is language that omits needless words, avoids jargon, speaks directly to the reader, uses active voice, limits the use of acronyms, and chooses specific, concrete words. Plain language is not simple or dumbed down; it is respectful and appropriate to each audience and is written with the needs of the intended readers in mind: parents, teachers, and other professionals.
When creating content, consider whether it would make sense to someone from outside Cultivate Learning. Is the content organized well? Are similar topics in the same paragraph? Can readers find what they need? Are the key messages clearly stated in the beginning?
Plain language tips and strategies:
- Follow the Federal Plain Language Guidelines.
- Know your audience. Consider your audience, their needs, and how to engage them.
- Organize the document or product for the reader/user. Provide a clear take-away message and put the main message first.
- Use an easy-to-read style. Use first and second-person pronouns, use familiar words, carefully consider adjective and adverb use.
- Write concisely. Keep sentences and paragraphs short. Focus sentences on one idea.
- Use the right visuals. Use illustrations, visuals, typography, and white space wisely.
- Write in an active voice.
- Consider the use of headings and vertical lists for easy reading.
- – An official website of the U.S. General Services Administration
- SAY WHAT? The benefits of plain language in academia – a quick guide to plain language created by Sasha Im, Web Content Strategist at the University of Washington.
- The Administration for Children and Families has a digital toolbox related to plain language where you can learn more about what plain language is and why it is important.
- A Plain-Language Checklist for Reviewing Your Document – use this checklist created by as you evaluate your writing.