Content Writing at Cultivate Learning
Learning Objectives, Outcomes, and Assessment
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Learning objectives and planning for outcomes can help to inform and shape content writing. We strive to focus on competency-based learning. In other words, how will the participants apply what they have learned, how will it impact their practices, and what will they do with the new skills or knowledge they have acquired?
At cultivate learning, we:
- Begin content development by identifying learning objectives or outcomes.
- Ensure that learning objectives or outcomes are active and measurable.
- Center objectives and outcomes in competency-based learning.
- Make a clear link between activities in the product and the learning objectives.
- Measure achievement of learning objectives through activities.
For more direction on learning objectives or outcomes, follow the guidance provided by the specific project’s funding source.
Knowledge and Learning Assessments
Knowledge and learning assessments help to support competency-based learning. To assess learning consider how the format of delivery supports different assessment strategies like:
- Rubrics
- Quizzes
- Discussion boards
- Presentations
- Practice-based activities
For more direction on knowledge/learning assessments, follow the guidance provided by the specific project’s funding source.