Edited with an introduction by
Juliet Sperling
Essays by
Alexander Betz
Elizabeth Copland
Grace Fletcher
Maya Green
Ryan Hawkins
Monica Ionescu
Mingjie Ma
Samantha Seaver
Thomas Star
Nicolas Staley
Bailee Strong
Kira Sue
Ashley Tseng
Kate Whitney-Schubb
Elizabeth Xiong
Cover design by
Cover Image: Jacob Lawrence, The Studio, 1977, Gouache on paper, 30 x 22 in. (76.2 x 55.88 cm) Overall h.: 37 3/8 in. Overall w.: 29 in. Seattle Art Museum, Partial gift of Gull Industries; John H. and Ann Hauberg; Links, Seattle; and gift by exchange from the Estate of Mark Tobey, 90.27 © 2021 The Jacob and Gwendolyn Knight Lawrence Foundation, Seattle / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York