
Section two: The Praxis of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies


Bridging the Academy and the Community, One Breath at a time: The Healing Power of Africana Women’s Studies ~ Brea Stevenson, NaTasha Robinson, Sonja Andrews, and Donielle Pace, Clark Atlanta University

WGS Changes Lives: A Meditation on Feminist Praxis ~ Kandace Creel Falcón, University of Minnesota, alum

Teaching Women’s & Gender Studies: Teaching Tools for Life ~ Elena Tajima Creef and Rosanna Hertz, Wellesley College

From Theory to Content: Feminist Publishing Makes Women’s Studies Powerful ~ Carmen Rios, American University, alumna

The Struggle Continues: Women of Color Faculty and Institutional Barriers ~ Lourdes Torres, DePaul University

Turning a Feminist Lens on Administration ~ Judith Howard, University of Washington Seattle

Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies: A Degree and Perspective for ‘Essential Workers’ in the 21st Century ~ Cheryl Radeloff, College of Southern Nevada and Michelle Tracy Berger, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill