1 Odegaard Library

- Find Odegaard Library on the Campus Map
- Access Guide (for accessible routes on campus)
- Library Hours (note: valid Husky Card required for entry)
Odegaard Library, located on Red Square, is a bustling hub of activity for students on the UW Seattle campus. You can find textbooks for classes, books on every subject, lots of computers, printers, scanners, group study rooms and quiet study areas. Odegaard is open the longest hours of any library on campus to accommodate most study schedules, and its central location makes it a great place to meet up with friends or just chill between classes. Don’t forget to bring your Husky Card– you’ll need it to enter Odegaard, check out books and other items, and pay for printing.

On the first floor, you’ll find comfy chairs and tables for studying alone or with friends, moveable whiteboards, reservable study rooms and team booths (study rooms are available on all three floors of the library), private Zoom pods, and the Odegaard Writing & Research Center (OWRC), where you can make an in-person or online appointment for free one-on-one help with a peer writing tutor or a research consultant!

On the second floor, which is accessible by stair or elevator, you’ll find the largest computer lab on campus, with hundreds of Mac and PC computers, printers and scanners. The Computer Vet, located at the top of the stairs, is where you can get free, personalized help with software, printing, WiFi, and other technology issues from trained tech experts. At the other end of the desk is the Information Desk– this is where you can check out course textbooks, whiteboard markers, computer adapters, and laptop chargers with your Husky Card. Behind the Information Desk, you’ll find our popular reading collection, magazines, and our graphic novels collection.

On the third floor, you’ll find the main Odegaard book collection (arranged by subject), group study rooms, and quiet study areas.
This concludes our tour of Odegaard Library.
Have a question or need help? Contact uwlib-ussteam@uw.edu.