Book Title: Stories From The Place of Sports in The University, 2022 Edition

Book Description: This book highlights student perspectives that inform and interrogate a fundamental question - what is the place of sports in the university? Student perspectives related to this question focus on college students as athletes and spectators and span the range from traditional varsity competition, to club and intramural, to off campus recreation or competition, and the role of esports.
Book Information
Book Description
This book showcases student exploration the role of sports in cultivating the collegiate ideal in their own college going experiences. Topics include the influence of esports, recreational activities, intramural, club, and spectator sports on pre-college choices and campus life. Students individually and collectively investigate how sports activities cultivate the collegiate ideal through ceremonies, stories, rituals and rites of passage, and unique language; all of which are most well understood by insiders to the campus community (Toma, 2010; Toma & Kezar, 1999). Using the inquiry tools of autoethnography, students highlight their individual and shared experiences of ‘going to college’ and the role of the collegiate ideal.
Stories From The Place of Sports in The University, 2022 Edition Copyright © 2022 by Students in The Place of Sports In The University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
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