
Badass Activist Organizations

Alternative Weekly Network (AWN) | awn.org |  (916) 261-6246 | Mark Hanzilk (Executive Director): @mark@awn.org | P.O. Box 189190, Sacramento, CA 95818 | Sponsored by Living Altars, the A.W.N. is a national magazine which connects and supports deaf, neurodivergent, and chronically ill writers and creators.

Blue Cone Studio | Facebook.com/blueconestudios | (206) 259-0212 | blueconestudios@gmail.com | 1520 11th Ave, Seattle, WA| Blue Cone Studios is dedicated to promoting, supporting, and collaborating with independent artists.

Bainbridge Island Japanese American Community | bijac.org |  info@bijac.org | BIJAC, P.O. Box 10449, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 | Honors the heritage of the Issei (first–generation Japanese) who came to the United States, and particularly to Bainbridge Island, to make a new life for themselves and their children.

Filipino American National Historical Society (F.A.N.H.S.) | fanhs-national.org | (206) 322-0203 | fanhsinformation@gmail.com | 810 18th Avenue, Room 100 Seattle, WA 98122 | A Volunteer-run organization that aims to preserve and celebrate Filipino American history.

Horace and Susie Revels Cayton Scholarship | prsapugetsound.org/Scholarships | scholarships@prsapugetsound.org | This Scholarship is available to minority students pursuing a career in Public Relations in Washington State.

Local Indian Child Welfare Advisory Committees (L.I.C.W.A.C.) | wachildadvocates.org |  (509) 829-1002 | Billie Patterson (Consultant/Tribal Liaison Region 2, Office of Tribal Relations Department of Children, Youth & Family Services):  billie.patterson@dcyf.wa.gov | Instituted to address the issue of separation of Indian children from their families and communities.

Matteo Ricci Institute | seattleu.edu/artsci/undergraduate-degrees/matteo-ricci/ | (206) 296-5405 | matteoricci@seattleu.edu | 091 12th Avenue, Casey 130, Seattle WA 98122 | The purpose of the Humanities degrees offered by Matteo Ricci Institute is to form more humane persons and to promote justice. One related objective is to keep alive the student-centered teaching of the best of Jesuit education through lively discussion in small classes, a curriculum centered on challenging questions, and close attention to individual students.

North Cascades Conservation Council | northcascades.org | ncccinfo@northcascades.org | P.O. Box 95980, Seattle, WA 98145-2980 | Conservation society aimed at protecting the scenic, scientific, recreational, and wilderness values of the Cascades.

Pacific Crest Trail Association | pcta.org | (916) 285-1846 | 2150 River Plaza Drive, Suite 155, Sacramento, CA 95833 | PCT is administered by the US Forest Service. Thousands of hikers and equestrians enjoy this national treasure each year.

 Rainbow Youth Project | rainbowyouthproject.org | (317) 349-4073 | admin@rainbowyouthproject.org | 8888 Keystone Crossing, 13th Floor Indianapolis, IN 46240 | Organization that offers protection and advocacy for LGBT youth.

Student Diversity Center | uwb.edu/odei/diversity-center | (425) 352-5030 | uwbdiv@uw.edu | 18115 Campus Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, UW1-173 | The Student Diversity Center advocates and consults students to promote equity and social justice for all students, fostering success to marginalized communities within UW.

Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle | urbanleague.org | (206) 461-3792 | 105 14th Ave, Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98122 | The Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle empowers communities of color to thrive by providing economic, educational and employment support services.

Warrior Women Project | info@warriorwomen.org | warriodwomen.org | An evolution of Women of All Red Nations (W.A.R.N.), the Warrior Women Project is an ongoing community organization that advocates on issues affecting Native Americans, from uranium mining, to forced sterilization.

Yakima Herald-Republic | yakimaherald.com | (509) 577-7751 | news@yakimaherald.com | 114 N. 4th Street, Yakima, WA 98901 | The Yakima Herald-Republic is the largest media outlet in the Yakima Valley, providing local news and information important to the daily lives of the community it serves.


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Badass Womxn and Enbies in the Pacific Northwest Volume 2 Copyright © 2023 by Badass Zine Machine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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