
Press Books

Aster Starling

John Emerton

Tessa Denton


Copy editors 

John Emerton

Shahub Khodabandehlou

Tessa Denton


Introduction to the zine
Lo Radclyffe

Serena Polendo


Front matter, table of contents (TOC), and acknowledgments 

Nico Simmons

Zachary Peeples



Anika Gopez



Works consulted 

Jadyn de Jesus

John Emerton

Olivia Londura



Henrie Filart

Wendy Liao


About the Badass Authors

Arianne Rosario

Nihal Kaur Verma


Poets and creative writers 

Aster Starling

Serena Polendo

Tessa Denton

Wendy Liao


Badass activist organizations

Christopher Eastman

Victor Lubwama


Badass “fun fact” finders 


Sarah Mcdermott

Tamika Nastali


Follow up with badasses

Lul Akeza


Video about our project

Nico Simmons

Zachary Peeples


Zine Oversight Team

Denise Hattwig, Head of Digital Scholarship + Collections; UWB/Cascadia College Library

John Emerton, peer facilitator

Julie Shayne, professor of the class

Penelope Wood, Research and Instruction Librarian,  Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies; UWB/Cascadia College Library


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Badass Womxn and Enbies in the Pacific Northwest Volume 2 Copyright © 2023 by Badass Zine Machine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.