12 Libraries Support for the Program in Writing and Rhetoric

Libraries Support for the Program in Writing and Rhetoric


Writing & Rhetoric Librarian:

John Holmes


Odegaard Library #M109

Head of Curriculum Support:

Kathleen Collins


Odegaard Library #M113

If you would like to consult with a librarian or other Learning Services staff, we recommend you either contact your PWR librarian (John Holmes, jwholmes@uw.edu) or book an instruction consultation to talk with a Libraries Learning Services staff about assignment design, ideas for information literacy activities, Canvas materials, and other ways to teach your students information research skills. We urge you to consider a consultation before planning any of the options below, even to clarify for yourself what kinds of support your students may need.

You can identify and address many important research skills yourself within the context of your syllabus with the aid of strategic activities or resources we can provide. Our work with PWR students has made us very aware of the common challenges they face in learning university level inquiry, and we can help you anticipate many of these and provide direct help yourself or refer them to our research help appointments with Student Research Consultants in the Odegaard Writing and Research Center (OWRC).

Options for the Program in Writing and Rhetoric


Instructor consultations

Make an appointment with  a librarian to talk about assignment design, ideas for information literacy activities, Canvas materials, and other ways to teach your students information research skills, or to help develop a library-specific research assignment for your course. Use the consultation option as a gateway to conversation about the research dimensions of your syllabus. A consultation will help you choose which option on the menu is right for your needs.  Consultations are an opportunity to explore options that may not be on this handout or our website, but can be developed and customized for your course or section.

BOOK A CONSULTATION: https://guides.lib.uw.edu/research/pwr-instructors

For your students: Research Consultations

Sometimes there’s just no substitute for one-on-one help. Encourage your students to make an appointment with a Student Research Consultant on defining a research question, exploring background information, narrowing or broadening a topic, finding appropriate sources, and identifying useful and credible information. Choose from online appointments via Zoom or an in-person appointment in the OWRC. Urge tour class to bring us your assignment prompt.

BOOK A STUDENT RESEARCH HELP SESSION: (Put a link in your syllabus) https://guides.lib.uw.edu/research/owrc-research

UW Libraries Research 101 Notebook

The Library Research 101 Notebook was patterned very closely after a similar project at UC Berkeley (used with permission). It is a self-paced Google Forms-based interactive activity that you can assign to orient your students to the Libraries’ research tools and to help them do some introductory research. While it is designed to be completed asynchronously, it can certainly also be used as the outline for a class, as long as students have means to complete the form and perform the searches they are prompted to do along the way.

Two options for using the Notebook:

  1. Have students complete the public version of the Notebook Their work will be emailed to them, and you can ask them to forward it on to you (submit the “Edit response” URL in Canvas) as proof of completion.
  2. Or, create a copy of the Notebook for your own class, and either use it as-is or tweak the content to suit your individual class assignments. You will see the results of your students’ work as individual responses and collated in Google Sheet upon completion.

In-Class Visits:

30-45 minute active learning presentations by a Student Research Consultant that can take place in your classroom or via Zoom. Workshop availability is dependent on schedule availability of our Student Research Consultant team. [Because of scheduling, travel, and other considerations, we cannot offer this option to UW in the High School sections.]
Choose from these workshop topics:

2024 class visit options: Two card games designed by the librarians at Wunderkind Games: Search & Destroy! (about database searching) and Trust Issues (about source trustworthiness)!

BOOK A CLASS VISIT:  https://cal.lib.uw.edu/appointments/classvisits

Tip: If students need a quiet place to attend a Zoom class visit, they can search Scout to find study spaces across campus.


Other Selected Instructional Content and Resources:

English Composition Research Guide  [For students]


Student-facing guide that presents some basic multidisciplinary research resources appropriate for 100-level PWR courses and helps students get into the habit of using the Libraries’ discipline-focused Research Guides as their starting point for source-based research. The beginning resources selected for this guide provide a useful starting point for much of the research that PWR students have historically been asked to do for their assignments.

UW Libraries Undergraduate Researcher Tutorial  [For students]


An all-purpose beginning tutorial on many critical aspects of finding, evaluating, and using sources for newer students. Its six modules cover strategic reading, evaluating information, database search skills, citation management, sharing research, and finding school/life balance. Feel free to explore and choose any unit or module that supports or extends your learning goals by assigning a module to students or importing tutorial content from Canvas Commons. If appropriate use of any resource is unclear, feel free to contact John Holmes or book an instructor consultation (above) to speak to a librarian about using this content.

UW Libraries Teaching and Learning Portal for PWR Instructors

An overview of all aspects of Libraries support for your course or section, including managing course materials, use of handouts & tutorials, synchronous and asynchronous online class instruction & workshops, consultations (for either you or your students) & assignment design collaboration. Essentially a web-based version of this document.

Evaluating Information and Citing Sources Research Guides

Two of our most-consulted guides introduce students to the basic tools for source evaluation and citation.

EVALUATING: https://guides.lib.uw.edu/research/evaluate/
CITING: https://guides.lib.uw.edu/research/citations

Library 101 Toolkit for Instructors (From Duke University Libraries)


Lessons and activities aimed at librarians and writing instructors to teach basic research skills and concepts.


Multimodal support

Odegaard Sound Studio

The Odegaard library houses a sound studio that both instructors and their students can check out. The second floor desk also checks out microphones that do not pick up sound unless spoken into. It is the perfect space for instructors interested in audio/video pedagogies and podcasts and there are technicians available who can help set up.
BOOK THE SOUND STUDIO: https://cal.lib.uw.edu/space/11930

Learning Technologies workshop support


Online video workshops include Photoshop Fundamentals, Audacity (audio application), and iMovie (Apple film editing.)

BOOK ONE: https://itconnect.uw.edu/tools-services-support/teaching-learning/workshops/

Digital Storytelling https://www.lib.washington.edu/openscholarship/services/digital-storytelling

Learn tools and techniques to communicate your research in a more engaging manner.

Open Scholarship Commons Collaborative working spaces


The space offers in-person services and collaboration spaces dedicated to open scholarship.

BOOK A SPACE: https://www.lib.washington.edu/openscholarship/space/group-work-spaces

For PWAC instructors

Processes: Writing Across Academic Careers [E-book]


Author(s): Christopher Iverson and Dan Ehrenfeld. “An edited collection showcasing the diversity of writing processes, styles, and formats in academia. Students, faculty, and staff share both published and unpublished work and reflect on their writing process as well as writing in their fields and disciplines. This book shows that, while writing looks and functions differently in different disciplines, college communities center on writing.”


PWR Instructor Sourcebook Copyright © by hitchmk. All Rights Reserved.

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