
4 Important PWR Resources


Our website was updated and significantly overhauled in Spring 2023 to emphasize key information that campus stakeholders and instructors would need, while de-emphasizing the website as a site for sharing ever-changing pedagogical materials and resources. Here’s what you should consult the website for:

Instructor Policies (many of which are also printed in your Quarterly Job Duties Agreement); this page also contains links to our Instructor Archive and the English 131 Instructor Manual, which is updated annually.

Who’s Who in PWR

Brief overviews of our courses + example syllabi


A second edition of Writer/Thinker/Maker was released in Autumn 2023. Edits largely reflect updates in program materials, especially the newly-finalized PWR Portfolio Rubric (featured in WTM Chapter 16, “The Portfolio”) as well as to incorporate the new program name, which was changed in Autumn 2022. Other changes include removal of some readings and addition of several others, with an eye toward offering a range of texts and lines of inquiry for you and your students to explore. If you’d like a copy of the textbook, please reach out to the PWR Program Coordinator, pwr-admin@uw.edu.

For students, there is an ebook available to purchase in addition to print copies of the book, which is available at the UW Bookstore. The ebook costs less than the print book and is available to rent for 6 months or for a year.

Instructor Archive

The PWR Instructor Archive contains an array of curated pedagogical resources and materials used by current and former PWR instructors across the full range of our courses. It has been significantly revamped and migrated to Sharepoint. You will need to log in with your NetID and password to access the site; if after logging in you find you still don’t have access, contact the PWR Program Coordinator at pwr-admin@uw.edu.

Instructors are welcome to share materials they have developed/adapted to be added to the instructor archive. Please email your materials to pwr-admin@uw.edu along with a note describing what the materials are and how you have used them in your class. This information will help the admin team upload and tag the materials appropriately in the instructor archive so that they are easily accessible.

Instructors’ Manual and Sourcebook

The English 131 Instructors Manual and the PWR Instructor Sourcebook (which you are reading now) are both linked on the PWR Instructor Resources and Policies web page.

Key Program Documents

PWR Statements on Accessibility and Antiracist Writing Pedagogy and Program Praxis

PWR 100-Level Course Outcomes

PWR 100-Level Course Portfolio Rubric


2024-25 PWR Instructor Sourcebook Copyright © by kersch. All Rights Reserved.