
14 Assigning and Submitting Grades, and PWR’s Incomplete Policy

Submitting Final Grades

The deadline for online grade submission is 5 p.m. on the Tuesday following the final day of the quarter. This deadline is posted in a number of places, including the University’s Academic Calendar and within GradePage.

Before submitting the grades, you will need to make sure you have converted percentages to a 4.0 grade scale. A grade must be entered for all students before you can submit grades for each class or section. To submit your grades, go to gradepage.uw.edu. The current term is selected and the classes for which you need to submit grades appear below the current term. Follow the instructions on the website to complete your grade submission. More detailed information about submitting grades can be found on the UW IT website. The UW offers an overview of their standard grading scale on the registrar’s website, and below we suggest a potential percentage-to-4.0-scale structure you can use.

Converting percentages to a 4.0 scale

A range (3.5-4.0; A = 3.9-4.0; A- = 3.5-3.8)

4.0 (98-100)

3.9 (96-97)

3.8 (94-95)

3.7 (92-93)

3.6 (91)

3.5 (90)

B range (2.5-3.4; B+ = 3.2-3.4; B = 2.9-3.1; B- = 2.5-2.8)

3.4 (89)

3.3 (88)

3.2 (87)

3.1 (86)

3.0 (85)

2.9 (84)

2.8 (83)

2.7 (82)

2.6 (81)

2.5 (80)

C range (1.5-2.4; C+ =2.2-2.4; C = 1.9-2.1; C- = 2.5-2.8)

2.4 (79)

2.3 (78)

2.2 (77)

2.1 (76)

2.0 (75) (2.0 is required to receive “C” credit for PWR courses or to earn “S” in S/NS grading)

1.9 (74)

1.8 (73)

1.7 (72)

1.6 (71)

1.5 (70)

D range (0.7-1.4; D+ = 1.2-1.4; D = 0.9-1.1; D- = 0.7-0.8)

1.4 (69)

1.3 (68)

1.2 (67)

1.1 (66)

1.0 (65)

0.9 (64)

0.8 (62-63)

0.7 (60-61) (students earn 5 credits, but no “C” credit, if they are registered for grades on the 4.0 scale)

Below 0.7/60% = 0.0


  • Grade ranges on the 4.0 scale and discussion of S/NS are from the UW Student Handbook
  • Percentage conversions from the 4.0 scale are based on consulting UW-IT discussion of mathematical vs. custom conversions in canvas gradebook, on grading documents posted by Spanish and Portuguese Studies and Linguistics at UW, and on a grade conversion table used by UWHS Chemistry teacher at Granger High School.

A Note on Incompletes in PWR

PWR’s student policies (which are all available on our website) also includes our approach to incompletes. Incompletes are rare in PWR, and reserved, as our policy (available on the student policies page on our web site and pasted below) states, for times when a student has already completed the majority of the work of the course but is prevented from completing the course because of an emergency or emergent situation that arises late in the quarter. Examples include a health crisis, a traumatic event, or family emergency.

Incompletes are not a way for students who have missed significant amounts of course work to make up that work or who have not been submitting assignments throughout the quarter to get time beyond the boundaries of the quarter to submit work. While we encourage compassion and generosity toward students, and none of us want students to fail our classes, we also cannot respond to or engage work that has not been submitted, and we cannot compress the timeframe of a 10-week quarter into the final weeks of the term given the many ways that composing involves recursive, time-structured and scaffolded processes that unfold over the course of the quarter.

In addition to the above, there are additional reasons that we are firm on limiting incompletes.

First, if you are an ASE, your QJDA clearly states the boundaries of your time and your workload, and it locates that work within a specific quarter. If you offer a student an incomplete, that extends the timeframe of your work beyond the quarter as you are then committing to assigning a grade to student work submitted after the quarter ends.

Second, once students leave the accountability and support structure of a regularly-scheduled course, they often struggle to balance the many demands they experience on their time with also trying to ‘catch up’ or complete work for a course they are no longer enrolled in. The challenge of completing an incomplete is made all the more difficult for composition courses because students have fewer opportunities to get feedback and engage with peers and other audiences as they compose and revise after the quarter ends.

If you have a situation that you believe warrants allowing a student to take an incomplete, you must reach out to the PWR Director or the Associate Director of Writing Programs to get approval before making this move. In that conversation, we will support you in setting guidelines and communicating with students about the incomplete and their next steps, as well as in ensuring that how you move on this is workable within your own complex schedule and workload management.

PWR Student Policy on Incompletes

Receiving a grade of “I” for Incomplete is extremely rare in the Program in Writing and Rhetoric, as instructors are discouraged from issuing Incompletes. To receive an Incomplete, a special request must be made to the instructor and approved by the department. In addition:

  • All student work must be complete through the eighth week of the quarter
  • There must be a documented illness or extraordinary situation
  • The advance permission of the Director of the Program in Writing and Rhetoric must be granted
  • A written contract, stipulating when coursework will be completed, must be arrived at between instructor and student
  • Failure to complete the course by the end of the following quarter (summer term excepted) will result in a failing grade of 0.0

If a student leaves a class at any time during the quarter without explanation, an Incomplete grade will not be considered. In such cases, grades are determined based on work submitted.


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