5 About the Program in Writing and Rhetoric
The mission of the Program in Writing and Rhetoric (PWR) is to offer high-quality writing courses to UW students that emphasize ethical composing across difference. To fulfill this mission, we train and mentor instructors in antiracist, accessible, translingual, and multimodal pedagogies that enact practices of inclusion and equity. With the Program for Writing Across Campus (PWAC) and in collaboration with numerous campus partners, we actively create and support knowledge-building about writing and writing instruction broadly within the program, the English department, and across campus.
PWR offers 10 different courses, all of which can be taught by ASEs and PTLs as well as by English department faculty. Below we briefly describe each of these courses to help you get a sense of what you might be interested in teaching in PWR. You can also find catalog descriptions and course syllabi on our website.
All 100-level courses in PWR involve a portfolio and share a set of four course outcomes. At the 200- and 300-level instructors are no longer required to use the 100-level course outcomes or a portfolio, but the outcomes still offer a foundational ground for course designs, assignment prompts, goals, and practices.
As you review the courses below, please feel free to reach out to any member of the PWR administrative team, including the PWR director, should you have any questions or want to learn more about them. Each year ASEs will have the opportunity to complete a scheduling preference form that communicates to the various English department program directors their interests in particular course assignments and opportunities.
109/110: Critical Composition 1 and 2
English 109 and 110 form a two-quarter composition sequence designed to support racially minoritized, first-generation, low-income, and student-athlete populations in collaboration with the Educational Opportunity Program and Student-Athlete Academic Services. This extended format provides students with additional time and resources to engage with 100-level composition learning goals. Following a curriculum revision in 2021, students earn “W” and “DIV” credits upon completing English 109 and fulfill the “C” credit requirement after completing English 110.
To meet these credit requirements, the courses emphasize culturally relevant content that moves beyond traditional academic norms, encouraging students to examine the rhetorical significance of writing in both public and academic settings. A key focus is fostering a strong sense of belonging and community at the University of Washington, creating an inclusive learning environment where students can develop their voices and confidence as writers.
Faculty and instructors passionate about working with diverse student populations, implementing anti-racist and equity-driven teaching methods, and building meaningful, supportive relationships with students are encouraged to consider teaching this course.
Course themes have included: research ethics, systems of knowledge production, student activism in the university, indigenous research methodologies, language diversity in education.
111: Composition: Literature
English 111, informally known as Teaching Literature and Composition, provides a space to explore fundamental questions: How do stories shape us? Why does it matter how they are crafted and shared? These questions often inspire scholars to pursue graduate study, and engaging with them alongside undergraduates offers valuable insight into the relevance of literary and cultural inquiry both within and beyond the university.
Like other 100-level EWP courses, English 111 follows the same core learning outcomes, but with a distinct emphasis on writing in relation to cultural texts and imaginative works. Teaching approaches vary widely—some instructors use literary texts to strengthen academic writing skills, while others encourage students to critically engage with experiences and diverse knowledge systems through creative methods.
Because English 111 delves into the foundational appeal of imaginative works, many instructors find that the assignments and teaching strategies developed in this course remain valuable for integrating cultural texts into both composition and non-composition courses.
Course themes have included: vampire fiction, gothic literature, sci-fi tropes, historical visibility, contemporary monsters, poetics and episodic storytelling.
115: Writing Studio
English 115 is a 2-credit writing studio course designed to give extra support for students in thinking through the language aspects of their writing: understanding complex texts, revision strategies, and ways to navigate cultural and linguistic differences. Students who self-identify as a multilingual, multicultural and/or international student and are interested in obtaining two “W” (Writing) credits are encouraged to take English 115 alongside a writing course. Below is student-facing language used to explain 115, as well as links to flyers about the course in English and Spanish.
English 115 is an opportunity to strengthen your confidence and voice and learn how to build upon your existing language and cultural knowledge for academic purposes. It is specifically designed to offer a supportive and low-stakes environment that focuses on the linguistic aspects of writing by working closely with you to analyze academic texts, think critically about your language choices, effectively revise papers, and learn how to give and receive valuable feedback. This studio course meets two days a week for 50 minutes and qualifies as a W course.
Please refer to the attached English flyer or Spanish flyer for more information about the course. We also recommend checking the Multilingual Student Support page on the UW Writing Pathways website, which has student testimonials about 115 and a link to current 115 offerings.
121: Composition: Community-Based
English 121, also known as Community-Engaged Composition, offers students the unique opportunity to connect their writing and research with meaningful work in the community. Every section of the course includes some form of community engagement, facilitated through partnerships established by the Community Engagement and Leadership Education (CELE) Center. In most cases, students volunteer with organizations whose mission aligns with the course theme, gaining firsthand experience with the real-world issues they study. In some sections, if an instructor has a strong relationship with a particular organization, the entire class may collaborate to support that organization in a way that is mutually beneficial.
In this course, community engagement is treated as a core “text,” meaning that students’ experiences in the field become central to their learning. Instructors weave these experiences into the course through in-class discussions, reflective writing, and assignments that directly connect to students’ volunteer work. Through this process, students learn to use writing and research as tools for engagement, advocacy, and critical reflection. Many students find this experience deeply rewarding, with some choosing to remain involved with their organizations beyond the course or seeking out other community engagement opportunities throughout their college careers.
Course themes have included: food writing, combatting linguistic bias, literacy in K-12 education, housing insecurity in Seattle, environmental justice and activism.
131: Composition: Exposition
All PWR instructors begin their teaching in the program by teaching English 131 and we have between 25-30 new instructors in the program each year. The course centers on giving students opportunities to engage the four 100-level course outcomes through two major assignment sequences culminating in a final portfolio that offers students the opportunity to revise, curate, and reflect upon the writing they have done over the course of the quarter. All of our 131 courses emphasize antiracist and accessible pedagogies, equity-oriented assessment, and attention to translingualism and multimodality.
182: Composition: Multimodal
English 182 places a strong emphasis on multimodality, making it a central focus of the course. Students who enroll are often eager to explore and experiment with diverse forms of multimodal composition, engaging with genres that tend to integrate multiple modes—visual, auditory, textual, and spatial—in dynamic, layered, and intricate ways. Instructors have the flexibility to adapt their English 131 syllabi to further enhance multimodal learning or to use this course as an opportunity to introduce innovative assignments. These may include creating podcasts that blend narrative and sound design, producing videos that merge storytelling with visual elements, designing research posters that synthesize complex information through text and imagery, curating exhibits that offer interactive and immersive experiences, and more.
Course themes have included: podcasting, media literacy through social media, comics, poetry as multimodal activism, digital storytelling, and public scholarship through multimodal composition.
281/381: Intermediate and Advanced Composition
281 and 381 are 200- and 300-level versions of English 131 (which actually used to be numbered English 181). In 200- and 300-level courses, instructors are invited to build on the 100-level course outcomes with the expectation that students will dig more deeply into those outcomes. These courses can, but are not required to, incorporate a portfolio system.
282/382: Intermediate Multimodal Composition and Special Topics in Multimodal Composition
282 and 382 are 200- and 300-level versions of English 182, and often give students the opportunity to engage more deeply or fully with particular multimodal tools or genres. In 200- and 300-level courses PWR invites instructors to build on the 100-level course outcomes with the expectation that students will dig more deeply into those outcomes. These courses can, but are not required to, incorporate a portfolio system.