
Video Viewing Assignments

Long Videos

Before you begin

Just like with any assignment, begin by reading the instructions carefully. Pay attention to any prompts or questions you will need to answer based on the video so you can focus on what you need.

Check to see how long the video is and plan when you will watch it. It may be helpful to watch the video in smaller chunks spread out over a day or two.

While you watch

Pause the video about every 5-10 minutes and take notes. This will help you process the information you watched and remember it later. Write down time stamps for important information or segments you have questions about. This way it will be easier to reference them later without having to go through the entire video again.

Don’t forget to take breaks. You’ll be able to better absorb the information in the video if you view it in shorter segments while you feel focused and ready to learn.

imageLearning Lab

Follow the instructions below to practice some of the strategies we mentioned for watching long videos.

  • Navigate to the Valora Washington Keynote video. Dr. Washington is a preeminent leader in Early Childhood Education, and she delivered a keynote address at the 2019 EarlyEdU Institute.
  • Notice how long the video is (41 minutes).
  • Check to see if there is a transcript for the video. There is! [Transcript]
  • Break the video into shorter segments that fit into your schedule. For the purposes of this exercise, you will watch four 10-minute segments.

Watch the video from the beginning to 10:24. Pause and take notes on the key points.

Key Takeaways

Early childhood is full of dedicated professionals who are making a positive difference in the lives of children and families across the globe, but there are still challenges and the landscape is constantly changing (i.e. funding/fair wages, professionalization). How do we lead when change is all around us? Idea of Sankofa: preserving the strengths of ECE while moving forward

Take a short break.

Watch the video from 10:24-20:56. Pause and take notes on the key points.

Key Takeaways

Using our head–societal investments need to catch up to our vast knowledge base about child development. Have to face current realities and close the gap between what we know and what we do; have to confront issues of power. Using our heart–ABC’s (affiliate, belong, connect), learn more about our shared leadership. Using our hands–have to focus on what we want and do something.

Take a short break.

Watch the video from 20:56-31:22. Pause and take notes on the key points.

Key Takeaways

Have to figure out how to lead when change is all around us. Four puzzle pieces: 1) Give more voice to practitioners, 2) Establish guiding principles–respect (for the profession, for educators, for children), change strategies rooted in competence, strengths-based, intentional equity

Take a short break.

Watch the video from 31:22 to the end. Pause and take notes on the key points.

Key Takeaways

Puzzle piece 3) Focus on strengths, find out what makes early childhood educators unique. 4) Join the conversation about equity even if it is uncomfortable, innovate pathways. Recognize we’re all agents of change, embrace it, and co-create it. Think about the big picture, bridge the gap between vision and reality by leading within it.


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