Copyright @2023 ACESSE

Published by the University of Washington

Recommended Citation: ACESSE. (2023). Practice Guidance to Network Framing for Affecting Change in Educational Systems. Volume 1 of the Practice Guides from the Advancing Coherent and Equitable Systems of Science Education (ACESSE) Project. Seattle, WA: University of Washington.


This work is funded by the National Science Foundation under grant #1561300. However, all opinions are strictly our own. The project is a collaboration with the Council of State Science Supervisors, the University of Colorado and the University of Washington.

We gratefully acknowledge the intellectual influence of our colleagues across the nation within schools, districts, state education systems, scientific organizations, universities, and other institutions who have contributed to our thinking and collaborative work. We extend deep gratitude to the educators and scientists who participated in the ACESSE partnership work directly.

Identified groups of people who need to be acknowledged

Complete list of contributors

Official NSF acknowledgement text

Acknowledgement to all those who have participated in developing resources/activities.


Practice Guides from the Advancing Coherent and Equitable Systems of Science Education (ACESSE) Project Copyright © by Deb L. Morrison; William R. Penuel; Tiffany Neill; Philip L. Bell; Melissa Campanella; and Kerri Wingert. All Rights Reserved.

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