
Course Outcomes

Program in Writing and Rhetoric

University of Washington

Outcome One

To compose strategically for a variety of audiences and contexts, both within and outside the university, by

recognizing how different elements of a rhetorical situation matter for the task at hand and affect the options for composing and distributing texts;

coordinating, negotiating, and experimenting with various aspects of composing—such as genre, content, conventions, style, language, organization, appeals, media, timing, and design—for diverse rhetorical effects tailored to the given audience, purpose, and situation; and

assessing and articulating the rationale for and effects of composition choices.

Outcome Two

To work strategically with complex information in order to generate and support inquiry by

reading, analyzing, and synthesizing a diverse range of texts and understanding the situations in which those texts are participating;

using reading and writing strategies to craft research questions that explore and respond to complex ideas and situations;

gathering, evaluating, and making purposeful use of primary and secondary materials appropriate for the writing goals, audience, genre, and context;

creating a “conversation”—identifying and engaging with meaningful patterns across ideas, texts, experiences, and situations; and

using citation styles appropriate for the genre and context.

Outcome Three

To craft persuasive, complex, inquiry-driven arguments that matter by

considering, incorporating, and responding to different points of view while developing one’s own position;

engaging in analysis—the close scrutiny and examination of evidence, claims, and assumptions—to explore and support a line of inquiry;

understanding and accounting for the stakes and consequences of various arguments for diverse audiences and within ongoing conversations and contexts; and

designing/organizing with respect to the demands of the genre, situation, audience, and purpose.

Outcome Four

To practice composing as a recursive, collaborative process and to develop flexible strategies for revising throughout the composition process by

engaging in a variety of (re)visioning techniques, including (re)brainstorming, (re)drafting, (re)reading, (re)writing, (re)thinking, and editing;

giving, receiving, interpreting, and incorporating constructive feedback; and

refining and nuancing composition choices for delivery to intended audience(s) in a manner consonant with the genre, situation, and desired rhetorical effects and meanings.

quick reference

Materials for your students, including policies on drops, adds, and more, are online:


Supplemental Material for you, including a link to our orientation website and Canvas discussion board, sample teaching materials, department FAQ, campus resources, and more are password protected and online:



There is a copy machine for reproducing teaching materials in Padelford A-11:

copy code = last five digits of your student number

quarterly copy limit ranges 1,500

All graduate lounge computers print directly to the A-11 copier, and your office computer should as well. If the A-11 copier does not appear as a printing option on the desktop, contact Rob Weller (weller@uw.edu).

Please note that the A-11 copier can print double-sided. You can and should specify this setting under “Advanced Options” when possible.


Quick Reference Checklist


Before this (and every) quarter begins …

  • register for classes and/or independent study courses (with Tim in A-105)
  • check WorkDay to set up payroll and direct deposit (with Winnie Lin)
  • update address w/payroll office (www.washington.edu/admin/payroll)
  • update address on MyUW
  • Complete the survey emailed to you with subject line, “Office Hours Request”.
  • file a copy of your syllabus (with staff in A-11)
  • activate class email list on MyUW Teaching Tab
  • check course enrollment and classroom location
  • visit your classroom so you know what to expect on the first day (optional)
  • place materials on reserve at the library (optional) http://lib.washington.edu/services/course/

During the quarter

  • work no more than an average of 20 hours a week on teaching; 220 hours per quarter (talk to the PWR director if you are routinely going over hours)
  • remember to do peer review
  • remember to do two sets of conferences
  • request course evaluations (see Chapter 11)
  • periodically check enrollment list on MyUW Teaching Tab … this will keep you apprised of who is (still) registered so there are no surprises on your grade sheet at quarter’s end

At the end of the quarter

  • email or speak with students who you can predict may not be earning a 2.0 … this may minimize the shock, grade complaints, etc.
  • have your students fill out course evaluations (using online system)
  • submit student grades online
  • make copies of sample student work (multiple drafts, your comments, etc.) that you might like to use in a teaching portfolio or application for teaching awards (be sure to have students sign release form)
  • attend portfolio grading session (first quarter of teaching only)
  • submit grades by 5 p.m. the Tuesday after finals week

After each quarter

  • Download course evaluations for yourself
  • file course evaluations (with staff in A-11, see policy in Chapter 11)
  • schedule a time to meet w/ PWR Director or Associate Director about your teaching (after first quarter of teaching only; Winter quarter)


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2024 English 131 Instructors Manual Copyright © 2024 by kersch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.