1 Virtual Festival Invitations, Fesival Webpage, and Program


Peace Through Harmony Webpage




Program for the festival

Peace Through Harmony: 

a Music 4 Harmony Production 


1:00 pm     Introduction University of Washington Bothell faculty gary carpenter.  Students from Creative Activism: Inspiring Social Change through the Arts collaborate with Pravah in India

1:10 pm       Resilience 

  • First Dance video. (3 min) Students of UWB faculty Diana Garcia-Snyder
  • Student SEA (socially engaged art) project (~11 mins) Social Inequality (mass incarceration)
  • Student SEA project (~10 min) Racial Inequality
  • Performance (5 min combined) Kendall Lujan and Sebastian Harris (music)
  • Resilience Breakout room engagement (~15 min)
  • Dance video (3 min) covid dance
  • Performance (5 – 7 min)  Manny Moura (music)
  • Performance (4 min) Henry Van Vuitton (spoken word)


2:00 pm       Musical performance

artist Anuj Arora 


2:10 pm       Gratitude

  • Dance video (3 min) Thank you to essential workers
  • Student SEA project (5-8 min) Covid groups (#1 and #2)
  • Performance (5-7 min)  Rudy Francisco (music)
  • Gratitude Breakout room engagement (~15 min)
  • Dance video (3 min)
  • Student SEA project (5-8 min) Social Inequality
  • Performance (5-7 min)  Bethany Ames (music)


3:00 pm Conclusion:  Please take a moment to complete a brief questionnaire and thank you for sharing this time with us!



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