
10 Gratitude Student Quotes

When asked to reflect on what they were grateful for, students responses include:

“Working with Pravah has given me a new perspective on my own culture. Seeing them express their culture through the arts motivates me to do the same with my own. I really loved all of them and am beyond thankful to have worked with such endearing people. Loved our class as well.”

“I’m grateful for the new connections I had the opportunity to make through the projects with Pravah and Music for Harmony.”

“Gratitude has altered my perspective on this past year just by simply having more time to really slow down, to take a deep breath and acknowledge and give gratitude for all the positive aspects of my life. I believe that there are a lot of aspects that we took for granted in our lives before covid and after so much of life’s experiences were taken away from us it really shifted our focus to what really matters in our lives and we start to appreciate and be grateful for even the smaller things now. My hopes moving forward is that we keep this same mentally of gratitude and apply it to our daily lives even when things do get better.”

“I am the most grateful for having a supportive network and people who are there for me whenever I’m happy or feeling down. I feel safe and secure knowing that these people will be there for me no matter what, and wouldn’t betray me. I would like to express feelings of happiness, appreciation as gratitude in my life. Gratitude has greatly altered my perspective by allowing me to be free of negative thoughts and inspiring me to grow and become a better version of myself every day.”

“I thought our arts festival was empowering and inspiring! It brings me joy that I had the opportunity to participate and help with such an inspirational arts festival! I thought all of our socially engaged art projects were very meaningful, as I learned so much and feel empowered knowing UWB students have a voice and the power to impact the future of the world for the better!”

In the beginning, our group did well with brainstorming ideas and we were supportive of all of each other’s ideas. Although it was sometimes difficult to set meeting times that worked for everybody, we were understanding of one another and made sure everybody was on the same page no matter what.  We felt comfortable to voice our ideas and actively talk in our group chat when there were any questions or concerns. We reached a level of familiarity with each other and ultimately were grateful that we all got to work together on a project we all put effort and passion in.”

“It was such a great experience working with everyone!  I really appreciate all of the conversations we were able to have and I learned something new from each of our meetings.  It brings me hope to see so many people around the world promoting the message of peace and harmony and I wish you all the best!”

“Thank you for allowing us into the Music for Harmony festival and showing us how change can be made in our communities through fun and enriching experiences!  This is a special opportunity and I’m glad we got to do it with you guys and we hope there are more collaborations to come.”

“Thank you so much for this collaboration.  It has been amazing to spend the time to listen and learn from each other.  I am forever grateful for the opportunity you provided us with.  I wish you all the best and hope to work with you guys soon!”

“Wishing you all happiness and prosperity for the future.  Working with you guys was more than a blast and the fact that I was able to make friends with some of you makes me so thankful.  I am really going to miss our zoom meetings, esp our last and first ones.I can never get over the kindness our class received from you guys collectively…….. I would also like to add that I really appreciated everyone’s honesty during our discussions.  It made me understand different perspectives and has allowed me to grow as an individual.”

“Looking back at all the obstacles I have faced, I am most grateful for my family members and our health! They were my main support system and helped me make it through the hard days. I am also grateful for the fact that I can have access to an education in the midst of this pandemic. I feel most of us can express gratitude in relation to having access to support systems within our communities. The best thing we can do, is try to be there for each other, especially during times like these. Gratitude has allowed me to focus on the small blessings in life and strive to look past the negatives and more at the positives in life. Not everyone’s life is perfect. Not everyone’s circumstances are ideal. We should be grateful for what we have, even if it’s not perfect!”

“I would say that I am just as grateful for life itself than I am all the things in my life that I am grateful for which are many. The circumstances and events this year has really caused me to slow down and reflect on myself and my own life and really be more in tune with what I’m really grateful for which include my opportunity to get a higher education, my friends, my parents, my campus, my growth, etc. I would like to grant the people that I love most in my life a piece of my gratitude for them by simply just telling them that I am grateful for them or being there in any way they need me to give some of that gratitude back so it maintains a flowing cycle. Gratitude has altered my perspective on this past year just by simply having more time to really slow down, to take a deep breath and acknowledge and give gratitude for all the positive aspects of my life. I believe that there are a lot of aspects that we took for granted in our lives before covid and after so much of life’s experiences were taken away from us it really shifted our focus to what really matters in our lives and we start to appreciate and be grateful for even the little things now. My hopes moving forward is that we keep this same mentality of gratitude and apply it to our daily lives even when things do get better.”

“Living through this pandemic this year, I have learned to be grateful for every second I spend with my family. To enjoy the little things like sharing a laugh with someone you love, because you never know when the last time will be. Gratitude should always be shown because we rarely ever think about verbally expressing the love we feel while we are still here.”

“This past year I have learned that I am very grateful for my friends and family. During this pandemic, you really see how much they care for you and are here for you. As well as which ones are not. In December I actually did catch COVID-19 and then did I see how much my friends and family cared for me. Some friends and family members dropped items for me, and some would call to see how I was feeling and doing. I am truly grateful for each and every one of them.”




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