
4 SEA (Socially Engaged Art) Project: Racial Inequality

Racial Injustice Project Reflection

Group Members: Jimmy Nguyen, Luis Guerrero, Jazgeline Landor, Ashi Dean, Khalil Reza, Ziyu He, Star Wong, Chris Nguyen


For Peace Through Unity: A Music for Harmony Production festival, our goals for our socially engaged art project was to portray a powerful statement that highlighted both aspects and perspectives of Black Lives Matter vs Blue Lives Matter. As the Racial Injustice group, our goals were portrayed to the audience, but most importantly being able to carry on the message of our festival was extremely significant. What each and every individual does prior to the festival is what highlights our aspects and perspectives as a whole. We started the brainstorming process by discussing potential project topics we could execute, such as creating a collage or producing a video. We ended up with various ideas that we decided to implement all of them into our slides.

We first began our presentation with a video that highlighted a powerful statement from those supporting Black Lives Matter.


Slide 1:

Speaker Notes: My group and I decided to focus on the topic of Black lives vs. blue lives matter considering the large impact it has had on our generation.






Our second slide showed the difference between Black Lives Matter vs Blue Lives Matter.


Slide 2:

Speaker Notes: I would like to present a video that really touched me and opened my eyes more regarding this topic and how we can begin to create a world of resilience through peace and unity. This video is by fellow artist DAX who shares a powerful message regarding BLM and how we should unite together to eradicate injustice. DAX emphasizes the significance to the BLM as he spreads an empowering message through rap in remembrance of the Black lives that were unfairly taken.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2o15RCtSS0


The third slide served the purpose of sharing a personal message from a Black Lives Matter perspective.


Slide 3:


Speaker Notes: This slide shows the messages BLM versus Blue Lives Matter serves to spread in regard to their differences based on their own perspectives and what they hope to achieve (reads points on PowerPoint out loud).



The fourth slide presented an informational video on Black Lives Matter.

Slide 4:

Black Lives Matter video

Speaker Notes: This video portrays a special message from Alicia Garza, who speaks on behalf of the Black community and how we should all be collectively responding and supporting the BLM movement! She believes action should be taken to correct the discrepancies of the past to make for a better future, where Black lives can be seen as equal!

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIUnz3cfo-w


The fifth slide brought awareness and understanding to the thinking behind both Black Lives Matter vs Blue Lives Matter that we gathered from fellow classmates to friends and family.


Slide 5:

Blue lives Matter video

Speaker Notes: Pat Toomey shares his perspective on Blue Lives Matter and shares his views on police officers, as he believes, “the vast majority of police are honest and hard-working men and women, who don’t have a racist bone in their body.” We wanted to show this video to give more insight on a view from a Blue Lives Matter standpoint.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waL03gpANy4


The sixth slide posed a question to our audience members regarding if unity was possible between beliefs that aligned with Black Lives Matter vs Blue Lives Matter along with steps they think the country should take as a way to bring about peace and unity.


Slide 6:


Speaker Notes: When asking the following question what is your standpoint on black lives vs. blue lives matter these were the responses we have gotten from fellow classmates to friends and family all with different perspectives and ideas.

Source: https://www.chesterfieldobserver.com/articles/more-than-1000-march-in-chesterfield-to-protest-police-brutality-voice-support-for-black-lives-matter/  (Bottom left image)


For our seventh slide, we gave our audience an open discussion question on whether Black Lives and Blue Lives Matter can be unified.


Slide 7:

Speaker Notes: This is the question we would like to pose to you! And please take a moment to respond to this question either in your head or feel free to comment your thoughts in the chat.

Sources: https://www.google.com/search?q=hands+up+blm&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS910US910&sxsrf=ALeKk00pFIxd41DiCdC2VIRbTUJgqGJfZw:1616279248087&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjrjsKz9b_vAhUyJDQIHTJFD34Q_AUoAXoECAIQAw&biw=1792&bih=1009#imgrc=k5QJOMXsc8MtgM (Bottom centered image)


For our 8th slide, we presented artwork that portrayed the struggle of the Black community and some of what they faced this past year, such as police brutality and other occurrences of racial injustice.


Slide 8:






    Speaker Notes: In conclusion, we have included multiple different pieces of artwork above, from protestors during this past year. We found these art pieces portrayed a powerful message from a BLM standpoint that also brought light to what we as a community have had to face and reflect upon within the past year.











Finally, for our ninth slide, we presented to our audience how they could take action against racial injustice and mass incarceration.


Slide 9:

Speaker Notes: We want to leave you with a powerful final note! You can take action to help end racial injustice in the following ways: voicing your thoughts in support of those that feel oppressed by the injustice spreading impacting our communities, donating to charity services or those who are directly affected by the injustice, and finally joining local efforts with those who are already fighting the good fight to end racial injustice!!!!



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