
Special thanks to Regena Pauketat our class reader/grader for the 2024 edition and UW Open Education librarian Lauren Ray, for Pressbooks & Creative Commons Copyright support. Their expert feedback and guidance are the foundation of the engaged learning practices that help students craft an authentic story for this collection (Hoffman, Pauketat, & Ray, 2023).

We would also like to acknowledge UW Libraries Staff John Bolcer, for introducing UW Digital Collections, Anne Davis for making the Sports Studies Guide available, and Theresa Mudrock for our Canvas Library Guide. These resources provide invaluable support for novice storytellers.

Thanks also to the UW guests from our career panel: Matthew Brinton, Bernie Liang, and Ksenia Popova who showcased their work on campus, their insights on college life, and student storytelling at Together UW.

Very special thanks to all the Spring 2024 student contributors and those who have come before, exploring the place of sports in the university.

Visit their story collections at:

The Place of Sports, 2nd Edition

The Place of Sports, 1st Edition

The Place of Sports: In 2020



Hoffman, J.L. Pauketat, R. & Ray, L. (2023). Student stories of campus sport experiences: A Case of engaged learning. Sports Innovation Journal, 4, December, p. 137-151. DOI:



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Stories From The Place of Sports in The University, 3rd Edition Copyright © 2024 by Students of the Place of Sports In the University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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