Teaching & Learning on the Open Web

In 2016 the Bothell campus of the University of Washington started some faculty Learning Communities. Founding Bothell faculty member, Jane VanGalen, started a community titled, Teaching and Learning on the Open Web.”

The first year we had six participants and we read some articles, explored some tools, shared successes and failures with one another and we had some monies to attend a conference or buy some resources.

During the second and third years we remained about the same size, and we have kept a few of the original members. We have traveled to conferences, written about our work on the Teaching & Learning on the Open Web website. We have a strong bond to the ethos of “Open” and are all working hard to find ways to share more openly.

group of participants at a table

This past year, in 2021/22 we have added a new event we loosely call, “Epiphanies form the Field.” That is what this book is about. It shares our reflections on the stories shared with us by some amazing people in the world of teaching and learning. We have also added a couple of colleagues from the Tacoma campus!


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Teaching & Learning on the Open Web Copyright © by Todd Conaway; Susan McNabb; Kosuke Niitsu; and Mark Chen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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