Summary: Nociception and Spinal Reflexes

Nociceptors are sensory neurons that respond to physical stimuli strong enough to cause tissue damage. They innervate every tissue of the body except, ironically, the brain. Nociceptors are classified by the type of physical stimuli (i.e., modality) that they respond to, such as pressure, heat, or cold. Their activity gives rise to the perception of pain.

A spinal reflex is a rapid activation of muscle produced by the stimulation of sensory receptors. Spinal reflexes are mediated by nerve cells in the peripheral nervous system (sensory neurons) and the spinal cord (spinal interneurons, cells confined to the spinal cord and motor neurons, the cells that innervate skeletal muscle). Unlike planned, intentional movements, reflexes are involuntary and can be evoked without the involvement of the brain.

The simplest spinal reflex is called the tendon jerk or knee jerk and it is widely used in neurological examinations to examine the integrity of sensory and motor functions of the spinal cord. This spinal reflex is mediated by actions of just two populations of neurons: the primary sensory receptors of a sense organ called the muscle spindle and motor neurons, the cells that activate skeletal muscle fibers.

Application of a noxious stimulus to the skin results in widespread and powerful activation of ipsilateral flexor muscles that generally produces a withdrawal of the limb away from the stimulus, called the flexion reflex. The opposite reaction, called the crossed-extension reflex, is often observed in the contralateral limb.

Lesions in the brain or spinal cord and several disease processes can be manifested in excessive spinal reflexes and spasticity.

Learning Objectives

  1. To know how nociceptors are activated and sensitized
  2. To understand difference between reflexes and other types of movements
  3. To differentiate the neural circuits underlying the flexion and stretch reflexes
  4. To understand how reflex testing can be used clinically to diagnose neuropathologies that affect motor and sensory function.

(Unless otherwise noted, all figures are from:  Kandel ER, Schwartz JH, Jessell TM 2012, Siegelbaum SA, Hudspeth AJ. ‘Principles of Neural Science, 5th ed. McGraw-Hill, New York.)


Nociception and Spinal Reflexes Copyright © by tuthill. All Rights Reserved.

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