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One Night in Dublin
Mielificent leads the Waggle Dance.The designer/author waits while the judges make their decisions. The person who took this won Best in Show for Presentation as a truly alien creature from the ocean depths. That one took some real engineering. It’s such an important acknowledgement when someone you really admire wants a photograph.Novice and Youth costume award winners at the 2019 World Science Fiction Convention in Dublin. Mielificent is on the left.The award package for the Best in Class (novice) for Presentation: A certificate and ribbon from the convention, a bag of fun swag from the 2020 WorldCon in Wellington NZ (for “Best Use of a New Zealand pop star in the presentation”–they make these things up on the spot), and a membership in the 2020 International Costumer’s Guild Convention in Montreal on Mar 13-16, 2020, immediately before the Design Principles and Practices Conference, but not cancelled until Mar 12.