
It’s More Than the Analysis: Step 4. Share Insights and Build Relationships

Hopefully you are already applying your people analytics skills by leveraging the strengths you already have (step 1), and building your additional non-technical (step 2) and technical (step 3) skills while putting them into practice. Learning is not something we do before we try, it is something that happens while we do. So, if you’ve been following the advice and trying out the “Explore & Engage” activities throughout this book, you’ve already been applying your people analytics skills. But it is worth taking a moment to talk about some of the unique ways you can gain deeper skills or maximize your efforts by applying your skills with intentionality. Let’s start with some ways you can most effectively ensure your great analytics work leads to actionable results and critical decision making – by ensuring you communicate them most effectively with others. Then let’s spend some time talking about the importance of others. People Analytics is not a one-person endeavor, it takes teamwork and a community. Two things you will have to ensure in order to ensure a successful people analytics career.


People Analytics Career Starter Guide Copyright © by Heather Whiteman. All Rights Reserved.