
47 You’ve Got This!

Congratulations; you’ve reached the end of the book! This guide is meant to inspire you further on your path in an exciting career in People Analytics. By now, you’ve identified your strengths, considered what skills interest and intrigue you, decided where you want to develop and go deeper, explored and engaged with ways to expand in the field, and explored how you can align your passions with potential career paths. I hope that this has been able to be more than a book for you. I hope that it has given you an opportunity for new ideas, activities, self-discover, and that you can use it as a starting off point for designing your career in ways that keep engaged and inspired.

The world of people data is constantly evolving making it the perfect place to apply your curiosity and growth mindset. I hope you will embrace challenges as opportunities to learn, that you will celebrate your small wins, and never stop exploring. The field of People Analytics needs passionate, capable individuals like you to help shape the future of work.

Since you made it this far in the book, I am going to assume that you are excited about a career in people analytics and I hope the “Explore & Engage” and “Self-Discovery” activities included did that for you. I also would like to encourage you to set a reminder for yourself sometime in the future (6 months or a year from now) to check back in and repeat the activities. When you repeat the activities and assessments, you will find that not only will you likely be more advanced, but you will also consider and interpret the topics with a new perspective.

Just like I hope you don’t put this guide away forever, I hope you won’t consider this the end of our connection. Whether we have met personally or not, I consider you part of my people analytics community and I would love to hear from you, be connected, and learn about your career journey. Please feel free to connect with me on social media, let me know if the guide has been helpful, and tell me about your people analytics career journey.

Where to connect with me:

Find what events I’ll be at, classes I’m teaching, things I’m doing, and a (infrequently sent) newsletter signup on my website: heatherwhiteman.com

I would love to be connected with you on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/heatherwhiteman

Join the People Analytics Career Starter Guide LinkedIn Group to connect with me and also other readers like you! https://www.linkedin.com/groups/14487429/

And YouTube: youtube.com/heatherwhiteman

Thank you for joining me on this journey, you are awesome. I hope to see you soon!

Heather Whiteman


People Analytics Career Starter Guide Copyright © by Heather Whiteman. All Rights Reserved.