
40 Explore & Engage: Use Your Current Strengths to Your Happiness Advantage

Explore & Engage: Use Your Current Strengths to Your Happiness Advantage

In the last section you identified strengths and interests. I am a big fan of the idea that it is always best to leverage your strengths and follow your passions. I am not a fan of the tendency many of us have to want to focus first on what we are missing or need to “fix.” Yes, we will need to talk about how to identify what others like prospective employers or bosses need from us and what you can get paid for. But, before we do, I encourage you to take time to pause, review and deeply reflect on your strengths and interest without concern for anyone or anything else. The below actions and questions can help you do so. Complete the actions in this step before moving on to the next section in the book.

    1. Stop and acknowledge how awesome you are! Look at each strength you identified. Seriously consider all the ways you can use these strengths to help others and yourself. Acknowledge the time and energy you have put into building these strengths over your life. Now, if you ever get asked a question like, ‘what are your strengths?” you’ll never be stumped for an answer again! You are awesome.
    2. Do a little people analytics on yourself. What patterns do you notice in the data of your strengths and interests? Are there any unique combinations or (dis)similarities among your strengths, interests, or passions? Put those analysis and critical thinking skills to use; what do you see? Take notes on what you discover.
    3. Get excited. Look at all the cool things you listed. What are you most excited to learn? Studies show that positive anticipation can bring us as much or more pleasure than the actual event itself. Plan a cool project or activity that will showcase your strengths or let you play in your interest areas. Imagine how engaged and fulfilling you will be as you develop and grow in the skills you identified in the list.
    4. Go play: While anticipation can be great, don’t just plan, do! Take action. Have you been learning about the things you are interested in? If not, go find videos, articles, books, webinars or conferences on those topics. Are there people or places where you could find inspiration, experiences, or opportunities to do the things you are passionate about? Who could you connect with that shares your interests? Could you take on a learning activity to start developing a skill?


People Analytics Career Starter Guide Copyright © by Heather Whiteman. All Rights Reserved.