

I want to give a very special thank you to people who have helped contribute to this book over the years. Some have contributed content, some have helped to edit it to make it more legible, some have helped provide early reading and feedback along the way, and others have contributed simply by asking questions, sharing their own experiences, and being interested in this field of work. I appreciate all of you and all of your support. I also want to thank each and every person who has taken the time to read this book.

You are awesome!


Special shout out and thanks goes to:


Akeel Qazi



Kathryn Perry Bolin


Beta Readers, Supporters, and Feedback Givers

Misael Cerpas

Amy Dildine

Dianne Woodhull

Shane Miller

Annie Liu


Special apologies go out to any names I missed! In the early days I had no idea this would be a book and I didn’t keep track as I should have. If you provided editing, feedback, etc., please reach out and tell me. I genuinely do want to add your name and it would make me so happy to hear from you again.


People Analytics Career Starter Guide Copyright © by Heather Whiteman. All Rights Reserved.