5 Forget Imposter Syndrome

Strangely, many high achievers often feel like frauds. Since you chose to spend your free time reading a book focused on developing yourself and your career, I have news for you: YOU are a high achiever!

I would also guess that when you read that last sentence you didn’t really believe me. Maybe you thought something negative. Maybe you thought that you were ‘just okay’ or ‘good’ but not a ‘high achiever.’ Was I right?

If so, you are possibly one of the many who fall victim to imposter syndrome. The impostor phenomenon is not an officially diagnosed mental disorder, however, psychologists do acknowledge it as a very real and specific form of intellectual self-doubt. And, imposter syndrome commonly shows up in individuals who are starting, trying to advance, or pivot their careers. (That’s you!)

When you apply for jobs without success or when you read about a topic (like people analytics) and still feel unsure and confused about exactly what to do next, you may start to feel like the problem is you. Once you get in this mindset, it’s hard to get out. For someone who is dealing with imposter syndrome, no matter what they learn, accomplish, or prove, they tend to believe they do not know “enough” or that they are not “worthy” of a certain job role.

You may be reading this book because you want to get into people analytics, but you worry you will look like a phony if you tried because you believe you don’t have enough expertise, analytic skills, experience, or some other set of items you believe necessary.

I have sad but important news for you, if you start with this mindset you will likely never feel like you have enough. I have equally happy and important news for you, you probably already do have enough! In this book, I will help you identify and leverage the skills you already have and assess where you may want to grow and build additional skills as you go. But for now, I ask you to consider two things:

First, if you are searching for some amount of experience, skills, or validation to take this leap in your career – it may never come from external sources. You need to consciously decide right now, that no one starts good at anything, and that you are further along each day than you were the day before. You may never be able to get rid of that fear that you don’t know enough to have “earned” the type of career that you are attempting and that’s okay. Use it as fuel to remind you that we all need to be continuous learners and create a long-term learning plan to keep working our way up. And remember a lot of people feel this way; it is normal. Don’t let it stop you from going for what you are interested in.

Second, keep in mind that you picked up this book and are taking the initiative. That already puts you miles ahead of others. If you need someone telling you that you have what it takes, then here I am to tell you: YOU have what it takes!

I have taught, managed, and worked alongside:

  • people who were “afraid of math” but found a passion for analytical problem-solving,
  • people who went from having never heard the term ‘people analytics’ to holding a people analytics job title in less than 5 months,
  • people who discovered they’d been doing people analytics all along and just didn’t know it,
  • people just like you, who found a fulfilling career in people analytics.

A career in people analytics is available to anyone with interest and dedication. By picking up this book, you’ve shown that you have the passion and interest to focus on your development and growth. You already possess a unique set of skills, knowledge, and experience that will take you far. You are perfect for this, so go get it!

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe



People Analytics Career Starter Guide Copyright © by Heather Whiteman. All Rights Reserved.

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