5 Nervous System Histology

Structure of Neurons

The information-carrying cells in the nervous system are called neurons.  Neurons are unique cells in that they extend long processes (sometimes more than a meter in length) and make direct connections, called synapses, with their target cells.  Below is a schematic drawing illustrating the different parts of a neuron.  Be able to identify the different parts of a neuron that are highlighted in purple boldface.

schematic drawing of a neuron showing dendrites, cell body, axon, myelin, axon terminal, and synapse
Schematic drawing showing the different parts of a neuron. See text for details.

The dendrites of a neuron constitute an input region where a neuron receives synapses from other neurons.  For neurons that sense touch, temperature, and pain in the skin (afferent neurons) the input region consists of sensory dendrites that contain specialized ion channels that open in response to the particular sensory modality.  For instance the sensory dendrites of touch-sensitive neurons have mechanically-gated ion channels.

Signals from multiple inputs are integrated in the neuronal cell body (also called the soma of the neuron).  The cell body is also the metabolic center of the neuron.  Neurons can be very large cells with axons that extend long distances, and so need a large cell body.  Neurons are often actively synthesizing lots of protein so they have an extensive network of rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER) and a large and prominent nucleolus, which is the organelle inside the nucleus where ribosomal RNA is made.

The figure below shows a section from the sacral spinal cord, stained with cresyl violet, which is a basic dye that highlights neuronal cell bodies.  In the spinal cord, the gray matter (the region containing neuronal cell bodies) is found centrally.  The outer pale-staining tissue contains bundles of axons and is called the white matter.  The ventral region of the spinal cord contains many large cell bodies of somatic motor neurons, the neurons that  directly excite skeletal muscle cells.

section of spinal cord stained with Nissle stain to show purple cell bodies
Spinal cord stained with cresyl violet to highlight neuronal cell bodies.  The next two figures zoom in to show parts of the image in more detail.  Image UCSF 163 Spinal Cord from Histology Guide:  Virtual Histology Lab

This next figure focuses in on the ventral region of the gray matter, which is called the ventral horn.  The cell bodies of seven somatic motor neurons are visible.

large purple neuronal cells bodies in a section of the spinal cord
Somatic motor neuron cell bodies in the ventral horn of the spinal cord. The neuronal cell bodies are indicated by black arrows. Five of the neurons (horizontal arrows) show a large, pale, centrally located nucleus containing a prominent nucleolus. For two of the cells (vertical arrows), the nucleus is out of the plane of section. The cytoplasm is full of dark-staining rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER), also called “Nissl substance” after the 19th century neuroscientist who developed this staining technique. The large size of the neurons can be appreciated by comparing the size of their nuclei with that of surrounding glial cells (a nucleus of a glial cell is indicated by a bright green vertical arrow).

The cell body shows characteristic purple/blue staining of the rough ER.  Inside the nucleus is the darkly stained nucleolus.  These features are highlighted in the next figure.

neuronal cell body with arrows showing rough ER (cyan arrow), nucleus (yellow arrow) and nucleolus (red arrow)
High magnification view of a somatic motor neuron cell body. The cytoplasm is filled with dark staining rough ER (cyan arrow). The nucleus is the central pale area (nuclear membrane indicated by yellow arrow) containing the dark-staining nucleolus (red arrow).

The output region of the neuron consists of the axon and axon terminal, which forms a synapse with a target cell.  The axon conducts action potentials and thus contains voltage-gated ion channels in its plasma membrane.  Action potentials are rapid, all-or-nothing electrical signals that can conduct long distances without decrement.  This is necessary because some axons can be up to a meter long.


Many axons are myelinated.  Myelination speeds axonal conduction.  In the central nervous system, myelin is formed by oligodendrocytes.  In the peripheral nervous system, myelin is formed by Schwann cells.  Myelin consists of many tightly wrapped concentric layers of plasma membrane.

myelin formation in the peripheral nervous system
Myelin formation in the peripheral nervous system.  Figure 8.5d in Human Physiology:  An Integrated Approach by Dee Silverthorn, 8th edition (2019).

The highly precise structure of myelin is visible in the following electron micrographs.  The first one shows a cross-section of a myelinated axon in the peripheral nervous system.

electron micrograph of a cross-section of a myelinated axon in the peripheral nervous system
Electron micrograph of a cross section of an axon (A) in the peripheral nervous system that is surrounded by myelin (My). Small dots within the axon are microtubules. N marks the nucleus of the Schwann cell. Figure 7.6b in Wheater’s Functional Histology, 7th edition (2023).

The small dots visible in the axon are microtubules, which are used in transporting organelles and proteins along the length of the axon.

The next micrograph is a highly-magnified view of myelin.  The Schwann cell plasma membranes fuse together and all the cytoplasm is extruded to form the highly compacted myelin sheath.

high magnification EM of myelin sheath
High magnification view of the myelin sheath. Figure 7.6c in Wheater’s Functional Histology, 7th edition (2023).

Myelin forms in bundles covering short segments of the axon; there is a bare, unmyelinated stretch of membrane between two bundles of myelin that is called a node of Ranvier.  The voltage-gated ion channels that generate the action potential are concentrated at the nodes of Ranvier.

The next two figures show a longitudinal section of a peripheral nerve.  The axons are running across the view from right to left.  During histological processing, the lipid is mostly dissolved, so the bundles of myelin look like empty bubbles.  When the section passes through a node of Ranvier, it appears as a line running perpendicular to the axon.  Several nodes are indicated by yellow arrows.

longitudinal section of a peripheral nerve
Longitudinal section of a nerve showing nodes of Ranvier (yellow arrows).


high magnification of nerve showing node of Ranvier (yellow arrow) and axon (green arrow)
High magnification view showing the axon (green arrow). The node of Ranvier (yellow arrow)  is visible as a line perpendicular to the axon.


The synapse is where a neuron communicates with its target cells.  In the central nervous system, a single cell typically makes tens of thousands of synapses.

The synapse consists of the axon terminal of the presynaptic cell, and a specialized region of the postsynaptic cell. There can be electrical synapses, where intercellular channels called gap junctions allow electrical current to flow between cells.  The predominant type of synapse in the nervous system is a chemical synapse in which the presynaptic cell releases a neurotransmitter into a narrow space called the synaptic cleft.  The neurotransmitter diffuses across the synaptic cleft and to its receptor on the postsynaptic cell.  Neurotransmitters are packaged in synaptic vesicles and released through exocytosis.  In an electron micrograph, a chemical synapses can be recognized by the presence of synaptic vesicles.

The first figure shows a pseudo-colored electron micrograph of the neuromuscular junction, which is the synapse between a somatic motor neuron and a skeletal muscle cell.  This synapse is unique in that it is very large.  This large synapse guarantees that each time the somatic motor neuron fires an action potential it will activate a contraction in the skeletal muscle cell.

pseudocolored EM showing axon terminal of somatic motor neuron filled with synaptic vesicles
Pseudocolored electron micrograph of the neuromuscular junction. Pseudocolored electron micrograph of the neuromuscular junction. The presynaptic terminal of the somatic motor neuron is colored yellow, the synaptic vesicles are blue-green, and the muscle cell is darker blue.  Figure 8.18 in Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach by Dee Silverthorn, 8th edition.

In contrast to the neuromuscular junction, the much smaller synapses in the CNS mean that a postsynaptic cell will need to add together the inputs from many cells before it is excited to fire an action potential. The figure below shows three axon terminals forming chemical synapses in the CNS.

three chemical synapses showing synaptic vesicles and postsynaptic densities
Chemical synapses in the CNS. Three axon terminals (TB for terminal bouton) forming synapses with a dendrite (D, at top) of a postsynaptic cell. Synaptic vesicles are present in the axon terminals.  P indicates the postsynaptic density.  Figure 7.9 in Wheater’s Functional Histology, 7th edition.


Human Physiology in Health and Disease (PBIO 375) Copyright © by Anna Melby. All Rights Reserved.

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