
Additional Resouces

Anker, Kirsten. “The Truth in Painting: Cultural Artefacts as Proof of Native Title.” Law Text Culture 9 (2005): [v]-124.

Baumann, Dianne. “Blackfeet Men, ‘Toxic Masculinity’, and Gender Entanglement.” Doctoral Dissertation, University of Washington, 2019. https://alliance-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/f/lvbsh/TN_proquest2309529017.

Bishop, Russell. “Freeing Ourselves from Neo-Colonial Domination in Research: A Maori Approach to Creating Knowledge.” International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 11, no. 2 (1998): 199–219. https://doi.org/10.1080/095183998236674.

Cammarota, Julio, and Augustine F. Romero. “A Social Justice Epistemology and Pedagogy for Latina/o Students: Transforming Public Education with Participatory Action Research.” New Directions for Youth Development 2009, no. 123 (2009): 53–65. https://doi.org/10.1002/yd.314.

Freire, Paulo. “Pedagogy of the Oppressed.” A Continuum Book. New York: Herder and Herder, 1970.

Gonzales, Roberto G. “Learning to Be Illegal: Undocumented Youth and Shifting Legal Contexts in the Transition to Adulthood.” American Sociological Review 76, no. 4 (2011): 602–19. https://doi.org/10.1177/0003122411411901.

Hall, Stuart. “When Was the ‘Post-Colonial’? Thinking at the Limit.” In The Post-Colonial Question: Common Skies, Divided Horizons, edited by I. Chambers and L. Curti, 242–60. New York: Routledge, 1996.

Kindon, Sara, and Sarah Elwood. “Introduction: More than Methods-Reflections on Participatory Action Research in Geographic Teaching, Learning and Research: Participatory Action Research in Geographic Teaching, Learning and Research.” Journal of Geography in Higher Education 33, no. 1 (2009): 19–32. https://doi.org/10.1080/03098260802276474.

Kishimoto, Kyoko. “Anti-Racist Pedagogy: From Faculty’s Self-Reflection to Organizing within and beyond the Classroom.” Race Ethnicity and Education 21, no. 4 (2018): 540–54.

Kovach, Margaret. “Indigenous Methodologies: Characteristics, Conversations, and Contexts.” Toronto ; University of Toronto Press, 2021.

Moosa-Mitha, Mehmoona. “Situation Anti-Oppressive Theories within Critical and Difference-Centered Perspectives.” In Research as Resistance: Revisiting Critical, Indigenous, and Anti-Oppressive Approaches, edited by Susan Strega and Leslie Brown, 2nd ed. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press Women’s Press, 2015.

Moses, Robert, Mieko Kamii, Susan McAllister, and Jeffrey Howard. “The Algebra Project: Organizing in the Spirit of Ella.” In Critical Studies in Organization and Bureaucracy, edited by Frank Fischer and Carmen Sirianni. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1984.

Mott, Carrie, and Daniel Cockayne. “Citation Matters: Mobilizing the Politics of Citation toward a Practice of ‘Conscientious Engagement.’” Gender, Place and Culture : A Journal of Feminist Geography 24, no. 7 (2017): 954–73. https://doi.org/10.1080/0966369X.2017.1339022.

Rifkin, Mark. Beyond Settler Time: Temporal Sovereignty and Indigenous Self-Determination. Durham: Duke University Press, 2017. http://site.ebrary.com/id/11333890.

Simpson, Audra. “Consent’s Revenge.” Cultural Anthropology 31, no. 3 (August 18, 2016): 326–33. https://doi.org/10.14506/ca31.3.02.

———. “On Ethnographic Refusal: Indigeneity, ‘voice’ and Colonial Citizenship.” Junctures: The Journal for Thematic Dialogue, no. 9 (2007): 67.

Smith, Linda Tuhiwai. “Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples.” London: Zed, 2021.

Stoler, Ann Laura. “On Archival Labor: Recrafting Colonial History.” Diálago Andino, no. 46 (2015): 153–65.

———. “Colonial Archives and the Arts of Governance: On the Content in the Form.” In Archives, Documentation, and Institutions of Social Memory: Essays from the Sawyer Seminar, edited by Francis X. Blouin and William G. Rosenberg. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2006.

Strega, Susan, and Leslie Brown, eds. Research as Resistance: Critical, Indigenous and Anti-Oppressive Approaches. Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2005.

TallBear, Kim. “Standing with and Speaking as Faith: A Feminist-Indigenous Approach to Inquiry.” Journal of Research Practice 10, no. 2 (2014).

Thomas, Robina Anne. “Honoring the Oral Traditions of the Ta’t Mustimuxw (Ancestors) through Storytelling.” In Research as Resistance: Revisiting Critical, Indigenous, and Anti-Oppressive Approaches, 177–98. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2015.

Tuck, Eve. “Suspending Damage: A Letter to Communities.” Harvard Educational Review 79, no. 3 (2009): 409–28. https://doi.org/10.17763/haer.79.3.n0016675661t3n15.

Tuck, Eve, K. Wayne Yang, and Rubén Gaztambide-Fernández. “Citation Practice Challenge.” Critical Ethnic Studies, April 2015. http://www.criticalethnicstudiesjournal.org/citation-practices.

Vizenor, Gerald. Native Liberty: Natural Reason and Cultural Survivance. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2009.



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