Differences Make a Difference: Biodiversity in the PNWF

This section is about Biodiversity in the Pacific Northwest Forest. In this section, you will find different aspects and interrelationships between Pacific Northwest Forest. There are in total three chapters, but there’s no need to read them in any sequence.

The first chapter in this section talks about the interactions between human communities and biodiversity. The second chapter is about the interrelationship between the ecological environment and biodiversity, how they impact each other. The last considers this topic by looking at herbs that grow in PNW forests.


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Lungs of the World: Forests of the Pacific Northwest and Climate Change Copyright © by Huijie Li; Charles Chen; Chase; Chen Zishi; Grant Wang; Harshini Narayanan; Jingyu Zhang; Nancy Huang; Richard Li; Rubee Zhao; Ruo-Mei Liu; Salena Dau; Xiangying Wang; Xinzhe Wang; Yanxin Wang; Yinyu Chen; Zhuojun Wang; Zitian Ni; Ziyun Tong; and Muqi Han is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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