
2 Perfectionism in Athletes

Ruby Meylan


The modern monster I chose to elaborate on is perfectionism in athletes. This is a very common issue athletes at all levels face. I created an infographic, comic strip, and Instagram Profile that all spread awareness for perfectionism in athletes. Take a look!


Short Assignment 3: Infographic

For Short Assignment 3, I created an infographic that explains perfectionism in athletes. This infographic is closely related to the comic strip and Instagram Profile by use of similar pieces of evidence, arguments, and sources. The infographic contains pieces of evidence from different scholarly sources. Each piece of evidence is a quote about perfectionism in athletes and how it affects them. The infographic also relates perfectionism in athletes to Jeffrey Cohen’s Monster Theses. Cohen’s Monster Theses is a great tool in helping explain perfectionism in athletes. The infographic also displays two arguments that I believe are necessary to bring a solution to perfectionism in athletes. While creating this infographic, I met Course Outcome Two. I used complex information to generate and support inquiry. I did this by using a diverse range of texts to gather information about my modern monster. Many of the texts I used had similar ideas, but were written in different ways. I also met Course Outcome Three because I made persuasive, complex, inquiry-driven arguments that matter. The two arguments about perfectionism in athletes that I put in the infographic are examples of this. I believe that my infographic is a great piece that well represents the modern monster, perfectionism in athletes.









Short Assignment 4: Comic Strip

For Short Assignment 4, I created a comic strip. The comic strip portrays the modern monster of perfectionism in athletes, but in a much different way than the infographic. The infographic is very informational and the comic strip is more closely related to the mind of a real-life athlete facing perfectionism. The design of the comic strip is playful and bright, similar to the infographic, which is part of how they are tied together. The design of the comic strip is a bit more simple though, which helps keep the audience’s attention on the actual modern monster, rather than the design. While creating the comic strip, I met Course Outcome Four by composing as a recursive, collaborative process while developing revision strategies. I played around with the design of the comic strip many different times before deciding on the one I did. I wanted to make sure the design I chose was the most effective way to show perfectionism in athletes. I also met Course Outcome One by composing strategically for a variety of audiences and contexts. The comic strip was very universal and doesn’t require much context to understand, which is why it is so effective. The comic strip is an amazing piece that effectively shows the modern monster, perfectionism in athletes.

Major Project 2: Instagram Profile

For Major Project 2, I created an Instagram profile which ties both the infographic and comic strip together into a larger, more informative piece. While the infographic and comic strip are both fairly brief, the Instagram profile goes much more in depth. It has nine different posts that explain what perfectionism is, why it’s a problem, and how it’s related to Cohen’s Monster Theses. The profile shows three different pieces of evidence from scholarly sources as well. It also has three different solutions for perfectionism in athletes. Both the infographic and comic strip have these pieces of evidence and solutions as well. Each post has different slides that make the profile more interactive and fun. They also have captions that explain the main idea of the post. While creating the Instagram Profile, I met Course Outcome One by composing strategically for a variety of audiences and contexts. I chose the social media platform, Instagram, solely because many people know how to use it. This helped make it universal to most people without requiring much context. I also met Course Outcome Four because I used a large amount of revision before turning in the assignment. The Instagram Profile is a piece that best portrays the idea of perfectionism in athletes.

Link to Profile: https://www.instagram.com/perfectionism_in_athletes/




Modern Monsters Copyright © by Sarah Moore. All Rights Reserved.