15 Chapter 3 Monster within the Pacific Islander Community


My Pitch


In Cohen’s thesis “The monsters policies the borders of the possible”

There is a monster policy that cave in the border to keep the monsters inside. It serves as a border to physically and mentally keep them in because once you go outside those borders and once you break those policies you’re gonna become a monster or bring the monster out.

About stress and a lot of expectations dealing with thow I am the only girl in the family, how my family has policies and expectations and how those would be a toll on me and how those expectations would be too much and that can cause me to be a monster or act like one too. An example would be the monster from moana tefiti. How people were expecting too much from her and how that resulted in the end. Details about my method is I would lower or make reasonable policies on how the borders are so it can be possible for me to work or work with.

Major Project #1

Mental health and miscommunication can cause monstrous thoughts in our minds.

An example of a monster would be the monster from the Moana named “te fiti” who became a monster named ” te ka” because that broadcast shows how mental health and how mental health is damaging the Polynesian community. A modern monster that relates to my monster above would be the monster dragon from “sea beast”. Those monsters both kind of relate to the Cohens thesis.  There is a monster policy that cave in the border to keep the monsters inside. It serves as a border to physically and mentally keep them in because once you go outside those borders and once you break those policies you’re gonna become a monster or bring the monster out.

For the past couple years the polynesian community has been going through a lot due to high numbers of suicide within the population. I am speaking up and writing for the Samoans because I was born and raised there, and I heard and saw one of my close friends go through that situation. In the article Kapiolani Pua’auli, MA. “Mental Health in the Pacific Islander Community.” it says that They said mental health is not important, especially when a child or someone talks to their parents about it. Their parents would dismiss it.

I write this because throughout my life of being a pacific Islander girl or polynesian girl. I see it and I hear it within my community how kids struggle with their mental health because their parents don’t care or are putting much effort into helping them with it. Due to kids having a hard time talking about how they are doing mental health. They turn to suicide. On Article ‘ Mental Health in the Pacific Islander Community’  author Kapiolani Pua’auli said, “ This is interesting since suicide is the leading cause of death for Asians Americans and Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders youths aged 12-19 years old.” Due to having no one to talk to or people telling them being depressed and saying mental health is not important those kids who needed help turned to suicide because they think its better to leave this world so they wouldn’t feel what they are feeling or going through.

In reference to Cohen’s thesis, the monster that I think represents the situation or the problem that is going on around the polynesian community is the monster “te fiti’’ from “Moana”. As I talked before about how kids within the polynesian community struggle with mental health. “Te fi ti” from “Moana ” represents the kids or person who is struggling with mental health or is going through something but they are bottling it all up and they don’t have help or nobody’s willing to help or they are being ignored.“Te fi ti” is their thoughts or their mind. They are going crazy all over the place because of what they are going through or what’s on their mind. “ Te fiti” is the modern monster that represents how bad it is in a person’s mind if they don’t have the help they need or support from friends and family. It can cause them to have monstrous thoughts within themselves. Those monstrous thoughts may lead them to other worse scenarios like committing suicide. Author Kapiolani Puaauli said, “ Like many cultures, mental illness has become taboo in the polynesian community because of shame, neglect and denial.”Those feelings that they feel that all relate to how the monster from moana would resemble those thoughts and those feelings. Those feelings turn into shame then anger comes out. Those monstrous thoughts can and are caused by people around you or situations you are going through. Overthinking is one that is very very common within someone’s mind who is going through something or getting mentally abused or not getting help mentally or having miscommunication can cause them to start overthinking.

As the modern monster relates the cohens thesis Those monsters both relate to the Cohens thesis.  As it stated in Cohen’s thesis “The monster polices the borders of the possible”. Meaning there is a monster policy that caves in the border to keep the monsters inside. It serves as a border to physically and mentally keep them in because once you go outside those borders and once you break those policies you’re gonna become a monster or bring the monster out.Cohen’s thesis is similar to the monster of the movie “ Moana”named “ te fiti” and how the Polynesian community delt and went through with how most kids who are committing suicide is high schoolers and middle schoolers.

In the scene of “Moana” the monster named “ Te fiti” was originally good but later on because people had too much expectation from her that it was too much for her that she turned into a monster. In relation to the polynesian community with the kids committing suicide. In the polynesian poly parents can be hard on their kids that they don’t care or think their kids are going through something because in Samoan or other islanders mental health is not important or they would say “ there’s no such thing as mental health or miscommunication”. All those ties up in one and how they all are similar in their situation.From the “ Moana” monster named “ Te fiti” to the polynesian  mental health, suicide and miscommunication. They all have relation within Cohen’s thesis  how “ The monster polices the borders of the possible.” In relation to the monster from “ Moana” and the polynesian community with suicide, mental health, miscommunication and Cohen’s thesis. It can mean that There are monsters inside being held back or there are policies that are holding them back. That once those borders are down or too much for them they are gonna break out in their monster forms. Or the monsters outside like other people’s opinion for example those monsters can cause them to be a monster or become one worse because of all those policies that are being put up for them that can cause them to become a monster or have monstrous thoughts that can lead them to become one themselves.

As it comes to an end, Writer and author Kapiolani Pua’alani said, “There is lack of awareness regarding available resources as well as the consequences of untreated mental health.” It is important to check in with one another because you don’t know what they are going through or what kind of thoughts they have because you may not know that maybe someone next to you is having monstrous thoughts and you might be the help they need. And as the Cohens thesis stated “ The monster policies the border of the  Possible”.  How the monstrous thoughts and mental health and miscommunication can cause something so monstrous.



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Modern Monsters Copyright © by Sarah Moore. All Rights Reserved.

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