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Purpose and Organization of this Book
1. General Lab Etiquette and Safety
2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
3. Lab Policies and Procedures
4. Vices, Clamps, Pliers, and Wrenches
5. Hammers
6. Screwdrivers and Hex Keys
7. Files and Surform Blades
8. Units of Measure
9. Measuring Tools
10. Cutting Tools and Equipment
11. Bandsaw
12. Jigsaw
13. Cast Saw
14. Hacksaw
15. Knives and Shears
16. Sewing Terminology and Tips
17. Juki Sewing Machine
18. Pfaff Sewing Machine
19. Sewing Machine Trouble Shooting
20. Instructions for sewing drill bit case
21. Grinding and Smoothing Equipment
22. Dust Collection System and Air Compressor
23. Shoe Machine
24. Trautman Router
25. Skiving foam
26. Additional Resources
27. Heating Modifying
28. Propane Torch
29. Fastening Materials
30. Rivets
31. Tapping
32. Adhesives, Solvents, Resins
33. Hazardous Materials in Prosthetics and Orthotics
34. Drill Bits
35. Hand Drill
36. Drill Press
37. Punches
38. Tamarack Punch
39. Removing Broken Bits or Bolts
40. Contouring metal
41. Bubble Forming
42. Drape Forming
43. Fab Tips: How to Avoid Plastic Spreading?
44. Lamination SOP
45. Vacuum Lamination Process
46. Lamination video
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Lab Safety, Tools, and Techniques in Prosthetics and Orthotics Copyright © by Sue Spaulding; Amanda Barizo; Susan Kapp; and bryan roehr. All Rights Reserved.